H*VMI Ghana Deaf Camp 2013

“Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. (Luke 10:2)”

After a busy and productive work at a 10-day Christmas Handi*Camp held at Echoing Hills Village, in which 12 children and 9 adults received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, we are all ready now to begin the New Year.

What made 2013 Handi*Camp unique in the fact that two young Muslims came to serve as volunteers for the first time in a Christian Camp. I believe there must be something special about this because it is strange to see a typical Muslim working in a Christian Camp. It was a privilege to be able to talk about Christ in such a good atmosphere.

We made new friends and expressed a culture, not to mention, new ways of witnessing by life style, word and practice. Our desire for the camp ministry is to show love and serve with absolutely no strings attached “I will give you food/clothes and shelter if you will believe in Christ.”

We believe this is what He calls us to do. As we are faithful in our calling, the Holy Spirit can work through our faithfulness in the little things to the unreached hearts. Heart-changing is entirely the Holy Spirit work, not ours. Our job is to obey. Plain and simple.

These were unbelievers who came to work and ended with us believing that Christ is the Messiah. Praise the Lord!

Pray on and let’s reach out in grace and truth to our neighbours from other faith backgrounds.

Click here for some Photos to enjoy.

Thank you.

Larry Lamina

Luke 10:20

2013 SERVANT Orientation

As I type this, H*VMI is completing our 2013 SERVANT Orientation training week. It's a time where the new members of our team learn more about the background, philosophy and staff which make up this organization. As in the past, I am humbled and blessed to be a co-laborer with our new staff members. Their love for the Lord, desire to please and serve Him along with their experience and education simply amazes me. They all fill positions within the organization that are vital and God is already using them to bring Him glory and reach out in their specific area of ministry.

2013 New Missionaries & StaffOur new H*VMI family members include:

Steve Gentino, our accountant

Stephanie Noble, sharing the Gospel with women in prison through our REST ministries and serving as a counselor at Handi*Camp

Charles and Linda Johnson, expanding H*VMI in the state of Delaware by promoting the ministry to pastors and setting up seminars

(from right to left, back row: Steve, Charles; front row: Stephanie, Linda)

Please pray for each of these precious servants of the Lord as they utilize the gifts God has placed within them.

Handi*Camp 2013 Update

It's so hard to believe that we just completed 40 camping seasons in H*VMI. Starting with 10 campers in 1974, we were privileged to have 160 campers and guests join us this year. It has been amazing to see God at work in the lives of the campers and guests. But God had other reasons for the years of Handi* Camp.

  • Parents, who have the care of their child/children with disabilities are given a week of respite as they entrust their child to our care.
  • Most of the summer staff have grown in their walk with the Lord as a result of seeing Him through the care of their campers and guests.
  • We who are the full time staff have seen the Lord provide in so many ways over the years that we can all give praise and thanks to Him.
  • Through the years we have seen many come to accept Jesus as Savior. This year was no exception. David, who came to week five as a new camper saw his need of the Savior and with no "pushing", invited Jesus into his heart.

Our desire is for each one to go back to a caring, encouraging church so that they can use the gifts God has placed within them to help complete the Body of believers.

Camp time is a lot of work, but when you see the Lord work in amazing ways as He always does, it makes every minute well worth while.

Click Here for Pictures of Handi*Camp 2013

Praising God for Ghana Blind Camp 2013

Some of Our 2013 Campers

Praise the Lord!! We were able to have a very successful Easter Annual Camp. March 27 - April 1.

God gave us a great line-up of Bible Teachers/Preachers. Pastor Alex Boamah, our old Camp Staff from Aburi, eastern part of Ghana; Pastor Joel Quansah our friend and also a former Camp Coordinator now serving under Joni & Friends and Pastor Richard Avavor a Blind evangelist, one of our old campers we had a part in training, now win souls and serve the Lord in his village and other Christian leaders were used by God to inspire our Campers.


Praise the Lord!! We were able to get enough food and donation to cover the entire event.

Eight weeks before the Camp, we started raising funds for the Campers. We needed 60 dollars for each camper, rental of additional Tables and Chairs, food to feed 200 Campers per day, fruits and vegetables for the guest speakers. Praise the Lord!! Each preacher paid for his own expenses in order to get to the Camp, for which we say – Thank you so much.

As usual our prayer partners in US were incredible. They sacrificed and gave the money they could. We were not able to raise all the funds, so we started asking for donations of food, firewood for cooking from our local friends and partners. God used some friends to supply us with all kinds of foodstuffs. We also contacted some women in the market to supply us with some food on credit.


Praise the Lord!! We had 15 saved and 16 for re-dedication. Each soul saved is fruit for your account.

The Spirit of the Lord was good and the excitement for the Camp was very high. During the meeting we averaged 178; we had approximately 45 first time campers. Many lives were transformed by the preaching and teaching of God’s word. This was great event with (11) Pastors present. We are excited about the Camp Ministry God is Blessing.

Statistical Breakdowns:

Youth with Blindness – 140

Elderly with Blindness – 10

Guides with no Blindness – 29

Children with no Blindness - 9


Praise the Lord!! We have already received the additional $10,000 to cover the cost of a pick-up-truck.

We love you all very much for your faithful prayers and investment in the lives of these precious souls. Please pray for our finances and the need for a pick-up truck. Recently $3,000 was received toward the purchase of used one. Additional $10,000 is needed to cover the cost.


Other Requests:

  • We still have problems with our Land because of encroachment. Please Pray!
  • Also pray that we can raise funds to buy our Blind Campers Braille materials. We can buy a Box of Braille sheets for $30.00. We have many Blind students in the Akropong School for the Blind who are in need for Braille sheets for class work.


Check Out the Pictures