H*VMI Ghana Deaf Camp 2013

“Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. (Luke 10:2)”

After a busy and productive work at a 10-day Christmas Handi*Camp held at Echoing Hills Village, in which 12 children and 9 adults received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, we are all ready now to begin the New Year.

What made 2013 Handi*Camp unique in the fact that two young Muslims came to serve as volunteers for the first time in a Christian Camp. I believe there must be something special about this because it is strange to see a typical Muslim working in a Christian Camp. It was a privilege to be able to talk about Christ in such a good atmosphere.

We made new friends and expressed a culture, not to mention, new ways of witnessing by life style, word and practice. Our desire for the camp ministry is to show love and serve with absolutely no strings attached “I will give you food/clothes and shelter if you will believe in Christ.”

We believe this is what He calls us to do. As we are faithful in our calling, the Holy Spirit can work through our faithfulness in the little things to the unreached hearts. Heart-changing is entirely the Holy Spirit work, not ours. Our job is to obey. Plain and simple.

These were unbelievers who came to work and ended with us believing that Christ is the Messiah. Praise the Lord!

Pray on and let’s reach out in grace and truth to our neighbours from other faith backgrounds.

Click here for some Photos to enjoy.

Thank you.

Larry Lamina

Luke 10:20