PRAISES for Progress. Prayers for His Provision.

In August 2024, H*VMI launched the largest Giving Challenge Campaign we have ever contemplated. Thanks to a group of H*VMI donors who provided the up-front Challenge Funds, we had a goal to raise $300,000 in the final four months of 2024. All of these funds were designated for the Property Project, getting us closer to Step 2.

In spectacular fashion, the Lord provided OVER and ABOVE all we could ask or think! In response to the $300,000 Challenge, H*VMI received $368,590 before December 31, 2024! We are still absorbing that, and praising the Lord for His wonderful work. The Giving Challenge raised $668,590 in total in just four short months. As you can see on the graph on our Reach the Goal Page, we are just shy of $3 million for this project, all dedicated to meeting the Property Project Goal.

Step 2 of the project will begin once we’ve raised the funds necessary to start construction. We need another $2.5 million before we begin. Step 2 will be breaking ground on the two remaining program buildings on the site: The Multipurpose Building and the Cabin Building. The Multipurpose Building provides Chapel and Bible class spaces on the upper level; and Kitchen and Dining Hall spaces on the lower level. The building is a “bank barn style” allowing for wheelchair accessibility on both floors. The cabin will provide large dormitory style sleeping quarters and accessible restrooms for camp, as well as several private retreat style bedrooms with attached bathrooms. Additionally, there will be an infirmary, laundry area, and staff lounge in the cabin building. These two buildings will provide what is needed to relaunch overnight camp and further expand all outreaches of H*VMI.

Please PRAY with us as we continue to seek the funds necessary to meet these goals. We believe God has laid out the path for us to follow, and we trust Him for His provision as we continue to seek after Him.

Serving With A Forward Focus:

In September 2023 we moved into H*VMI’s very first Ministry Center Building, the H*VMI Office. Since that time we have been using this facility to serve Him in many capacities. God has been honored and glorified. Thank you to all who have prayed for and supported this project through these past months and years. God is using you to bring about the completion of the H*VMI Ministry Center. We praise HIM for that.

As we serve here, work here and eat lunches here, we are torn between excitement for what we have and an eagerness for what is to come. We look across the fields at the completely excavated, but undeveloped, portions of the property and pray, “Lord, please send the funds we need to complete this work.” We are serving Him faithfully while also focusing on what He has for us in the future.

PRAY with us for God’s perfect timing and glorious provision of the funds needed for the work ahead. We have completed STEP 1, the H*VMI Office Building. STEP 2 is next: Raising funds enough to begin building the exteriors of BOTH future camp buildings. This is a 3.5 million dollar step. Sounds like a BIG goal, and it is….BUT, we serve a BIG God! He provides in His time and His way. PRAY with us for the future of the H*VMI Ministry Center Project.

We have MOVED!

We have MOVED! H*VMI is settled into our Ministry Center Office. We’re organized and have held a full month’s worth of Bible club and support group outreaches in this space. What an immense blessing! The Eastern side of the Ministry Center site is complete with the paved pathways, basketball court, parking lot, trees and office building. The Western side of the site has been fully excavated in preparation for the Multipurpose Building, Cabin Building, pool, pavilion, playground, three houses and more paved pathways connecting all the areas together. We are waiting to begin construction on that side until we secure enough funding for that next step.

The H*VMI missionaries and staff are hard at work in the new office reaching out to people with disabilities and people in grief. We also continue to seek opportunities to train churches to serve people facing life’s challenges in their congregations and communities. Praise the Lord for His provision which is allowing us to serve and grow in ways we haven’t had the opportunity to in the past.

Our focus is now on two goals moving forward.

  1. To be God honoring stewards of what God has given us, continuing to use the office to hold smaller Bible clubs and support groups, including a new daytime BASIS group.

  2. To pursue with passion the funding to pay for the office and initial excavation, as well as the funds needed to start construction of the next part of the project. God is faithful and He will continue to provide. PRAY with us for God’s perfect timing and provision for H*VMI.


Thank you for your prayers for H*VMI. Property donations are contributing to what God is allowing us to build at H*VMI’s Ministry Center in Akron, PA.

We are excited to see the finishing touches being completed at the building. All the major things are done, utilities hooked up, plumbing is in and water is running. Cabinetry is in and looking great. Grass is growing! Pray for the final details to come together, a few more boxes to check off at the building and a few more things to finalize as we plan to move.

PRAY with us for safety in the move and for God to use this building for HIS ultimate Glory and Honor. We see His hand in how all this took place and are excited to embrace His plan for us as we occupy this new office and hold programs there soon.

Reminder about the 50/50 Challenge towards the building and excavating costs. Please prayerfully consider accepting the challenge (a $50 Property donation by our 50th Anniversary in October) - and sharing it with others who may be new to our ministry. Thanks so much! Thank you for your prayers for H*VMI. Property donations are contributing to what God is allowing us to build at H*VMI’s Ministry Center in Akron, PA.


H*VMI has seen lots of great progress at our building during the first half of the month of August. Carpets have been installed and look great! Bathrooms fixtures are being set and the partitions are being installed soon. AMES expects to be finished by the end of the month!

The landscapers have been hard at work leveling the areas around the building and seeding all the areas on the eastern side of the site. Due to their work and God bringing the rain, we have some grass growing around the office and in between our pathways. We’re looking less and less like a construction site and more and more like a Ministry Center!

Please continue to pray for all the final details - especially the timing of the installation of our fiber internet service. We need that up and running before we can plan to move into the building.

And keep praying for the financial needs for the entire project. Reminder to check out the special page of our website. Thanks so much for your prayers!


The end of July has been exciting at the H*VMI Ministry Center. Many of the contractors are doing their finishing work for their particular task. The HVAC people are finishing up, making way for the drop-ceiling grids to be hung. The parking lot and basketball court lines are painted. We had a sign made and hung on the street for passersby to have a better idea what’s going on at…”The old golf course.”

In coming weeks during August we will be using the Ministry Center for its first event since the office began being built. Each Thursday evening in August we will be holding our “Lesson on the Lawn” outdoor Bible club. Participants will be able to park in the parking lot and stroll on the new pathways to get to the “Lesson on the Lawn” spot.

PRAY for the future activity at the property - for safety for the contractors and smooth progress of the final stages of the office build. PRAY for the fundraising efforts and connections being made. God is Faithful and He is providing!

I added this to the end of the Facebook page:

REMINDER - here's the link to our REACH THE GOAL page of our ministry website: See ways you can help spread the word and also a link to our online giving page to make a 50/50 Challenge donation - in honor of HVMI's upcoming 50th Anniversary in October.


Handi*Camp Over - Office Built!

Thank you for your prayers and support. July has been a busy month thus far. We completed all eight Day Camp sessions on July 12, having served 115 campers throughout the 6.5 weeks. God brought both campers and staff closer to Him during the camp season and we saw His name praised and glorified.

During the time while camp was happening, AMES and BR Kreider were busy at the property. Much progress has been made! The interior of the office has drywall and is being painted. The exterior is 99% complete with just a few areas of finish and siding to be completed. The pathways on the east side of the property have been paved and finished. The first coat of asphalt has been laid for the parking lot and driveway in addition to the sidewalks around the building itself.

Final grading and seeding will take place soon as the weather allows. We’re seeing God’s blessings right before our eyes! His hand of guidance is preparing this place for us to serve those He entrusts to the ministry of H*VMI. We are looking forward to all the amazing ways God will use this land for His Glory. Please continue to pray with us as we raise funds for this building and excavation.


SHINGLES (and more!)!

June has been a busy and exciting month! In addition to hosting our Handi*Camp Summer Staff for Orientation Training, we have completed the first two camp sessions. Camper families heard about the property progress and many people drove by the site to see the office construction. Construction progress has been thrilling to see! So much has been accomplished in these first two weeks of June.

Installation of shingles and siding are being completed. Inside, the HVAC, walls and wiring are in. Plumbing is being roughed in. Soon we will begin to see finished walls and doors inside. It’s amazing to envision ministry happening inside this building in the coming months. We will use this building not only for our office operations but, in between the completion of this building and others, we will use it for support groups, trainings and Bible clubs. Although the Multipurpose Building is the ultimate location for those outreaches, the office will be a nice transition place between the multiple rental locations and our final solution for the outreaches on our property.  

We appreciate your support and need your prayers as we continue building the H*VMI Ministry Center. We encourage you to share the details of the project with those you know and direct them to the website for updates and to connect with H*VMI.


The H*VMI Office has a roof! The trusses got craned onto the frame all in one day. It was amazing to see the guys working together - some high, some low - quickly moving over 50 individual trusses onto the roof and securing them to the frame and to each other. The next day they began covering the roof to prepare for shingles. Then they built out the dormers you can see on the lower right picture. When I stand in the office now, it really feels like the inside of a building, not just a concrete pad on a pile of dirt! God has been so gracious with the weather and the schedules of the different subcontractors. Please continue to pray for safe and efficient progress. Weather is still a prayer request as the rest of the property continues to be excavated. However, once we have shingles and siding, AMES will be able to work inside without too much worry about the weather outside. PRAISE HIM for all His provisions through this building process.


H*VMI has walls! The framers were able to come earlier than anticipated. They got to work quickly, getting the four exterior walls up for the H*VMI Office Building. We pray for the construction workers each day that they remain safe as they construct the buildings we will use to minister to those we serve for years to come. It’s amazing to watch these craftsmen at work. The first week of May was framing and then covering the walls with the green plywood you see in the pictures. You can see all the wonderful windows we’ll have to enjoy God’s creation around us and to see the rest of the project across the stream as it continues to move forward. The picture in the bottom right of the grouping is the view from a conference room on the west side of the building. I hope you can picture the future Ministry Center. I’m excited to be able to open the windows in the summer and hear the campers enjoying the home God has given to us. Stay tuned for more updates very soon – the builders are making good progress each day!

April Project Summary

Psalm 118:22 - “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.”

You may not have known this but our property, before it was ours, was a pitch and putt golf course that was right behind our Founder’s home. When it went up for sale, we didn’t even know! Many others came to see it but there were few, if any, serious offers. Many serious building companies in the area rejected this property due to the high cost and minimal benefit for their bottom line. Too much floodplain area, bad for them, good for H*VMI with our program wanting open recreational space! Too many trees and slopes, again bad for them, good for us! The stream and the pond splitting the property in half complicated things for a development, bad for them, perfect for our programs with the H*VMI office on one side and the Camp/Retreat/Training Buildings on the other.

Although this land was largely rejected by builders, God selected it for H*VMI. The Truth from His Word that will be shared here will serve to bless many for years to come! Praise the Lord for His perfect plan for this ministry and read on to see what has been done on site since our last update.

  • The Building Pad was completed and marked out for the footers for the H*VMI Office.

  • Trees have been planted in the floodplain. This will help to control storm water and bring beauty to the property as well as shade for walking paths and activities.

  • AMES Construction Company has moved on site.

  • Footers for the H*VMI Office were dug in and installed.

  • The parking lot and driveway were “rocked in.”

  • The plumbers and electricians are running conduit and pipes under the floor before they pour the slab.

Fellow Workers

1 Corinthians 3:9 “For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building.” It’s such a privilege to be your fellow workers with the One True God! We have the blessing of fulfilling HIS purposes every day. Thank you for your support and prayers for H*VMI’s Property Project. We are amazed by the work being done:

  • Grass fields have turned to beautifully graded pads for a building and parking lot!

  • The office waterline has been dug in and hooked up.

  • The major excavation for the office on the Eastern side of the site is finished. The trucks have now moved West and are making a glorious mess!

  • AMES Construction will soon be ready to come lay in the foundation for the H*VMI Office.

  • PRAY for continued dry weather and good days of work for BR Kreider, the excavators, and AMES Construction.

  • PRAISE that God, through you, has provided the cash to pay all invoices to this point. PRAY for His continued provision as the months go on and work continues to be accomplished.

“The hills are alive – with the sound of … EXCAVATING!”

Update from Kyle Robinson: In Mid-February the start of major excavation on the H*VMI Site began. Excavators brought in just a few machines, but they moved a TON of dirt, creating a large pile of top soil in the former parking lot area! They also began bringing in loads of rock from an offsite location for use to bring the parking lot and office pad up to grade. God has provided in amazing ways in these few short weeks of activity. Keep praying for good weather and no big surprises in the course of construction. We’ve been meeting with AMES Construction. They are aware of the timeline speeding up. Although they can’t make the supplies appear if the supplies aren’t there, they are working on moving their timeline to be ready to start when B.R. Kreider says the building pad is ready for them.

Thoughts from the Founder and Ministry Ambassador, Tim Sheetz: My wife and I “happen” to live on a property that’s adjacent to the H*VMI Property. We’ve told many people, “We think it’s God’s sense of humor!” The H*VMI team looked far and near for a property to purchase – and He provided one, literally, right under our noses. Kathy and I are enjoying opening our bedroom curtains each morning to look out and see excavators moving dirt – in meaningful ways! In one day, 70 dump truck loads of donated dirt and rock was deposited on the property. It formed a literal mountain from which they are drawing this material that will help level and strengthen the ground on which the office, the first building to go up, will be constructed. I’m tempted, each morning, to break into song… “The hills are alive – with the sound of …excavating!”

From Day 1, this property has been dedicated to the Lord. When construction is complete, and all buildings in use, we anticipate the opportunity to serve many more people with disability and grief challenges. And, YOU can know that God has used you to help make this happen. Praise Him. Thank you.

Dirt, Dirt and MORE Dirt! Construction Underway!

Psalm 50:10-12 “For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell you, for the world and its fullness are mine.”

We often hear this verse quoted and think primarily about the animals but we forget the hills! I’m thrilled to use this update to tell you that God provided us one of HIS hills…of dirt that is! We have been praying and asking you to pray for two things that we needed for the construction to resume. 1) Good dry weather. 2) Free fill dirt. God has answered both prayers! The ground has dried considerably and we have a good weather week this week. We also have been blessed by a large hill of dirt! BR Kreider, the excavators, had it tested and it is approved and ready for our use. We just need to transport it over there.

On February 14th, BR Kreider moved machines onto the property in order to start digging! They will be digging to remove the topsoil and then filling in the area with the fill dirt over the next few days. This will be the parking lot/office pad area on the Eastern side of the site. Once the pad is prepped, AMES can come in to do their work: building the office.

PRAISE the Lord for providing one of His hills to us. He is in control. He is faithful. He answers prayers. And He is Good…All the time!

PRAY for continued sunny days and timely progress for BR Kreider and AMES. PRAY that God will be glorified through this project.

Rain... Rain... Go Away... (please!)

Psalm 127:1a “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” We fully believe the words of this verse from the Psalms and recognize that this must be our perspective through this project.

Since the last update we’ve seen the completion of the Erosion and Sediment Controls installation. You can see the black silt socks that litter the property in the picture. Also completed is the pre-grading and stoning of the new driveway on the western side of the property. This drive will lead to the ministry center camp/retreat areas of the property. The current drive will lead directly to the office.

It has been too rainy and wet for B.R. Kreider to return to begin any serious excavation although they have been investigating options to bring in fill dirt. They’ve also been watching the weather to see if we would have a window to work around the wet weather. So far, nothing has presented itself and the conditions just have not been right to start successfully.

As soon as the weather permits, the excavating work will resume. B.R. Kreider’s focus will be preparing the way for the office to be built; then moving on to other areas of the site. AMES will pick up the office build once the pad site is ready.  

Please PRAY with us for good weather and for God to provide in unique ways to allow for a smooth flow of construction when weather is sometimes uncooperative. We hope you’ll enjoy seeing the pictures and being kept up to date in this way. If you have questions feel free to give a call, we’re always happy to share or answer questions about what’s happening and how to pray. Sometimes the requests change daily!

Trucks, Bulldozers, Front End Loaders, Boundary Flags, Piles of Mulch, Silt Socks…

The H*VMI property is really beginning to look like a construction site! The ground was dry enough for the VERY large truck to begin driving around laying down the erosion and sediment control silt socks. B.R. Kreider is the excavating company we are using for the land preparation aspect of the project. They will grade the land according to the plan, and lay down the underground utilities and storm water features. Tree planting and landscaping will also be completed in this stage.

B.R. Kreider’s first priority is prepping the pad for the office so Ames Construction, H*VMI’s Building Contractor, can begin work on that. But getting to that point requires the weather and temperatures to cooperate, and now is a tough time of year for that. As you read previously we need DRY weather. If we dig while the ground is wet and we create a “mud puddle,” we will spend extra funds and time restoring the soil. H*VMI and B.R. Kreider are keeping a close eye on the weather as the days/weeks go by to decide what progress can be made. As we pray for the progress of construction, we must keep our minds focused on God, as they have been throughout the approval processes. He alone controls the timeline and HIS plans are perfect.


Since the H*VMI Ground Breaking Ceremony on October 22, H*VMI has been pursuing getting the Land Development Plan signed and recorded. Several simple things needed to take place. These things involved multiple governing agencies so, although approvals were already given, the process of getting all the paperwork in the right hands and getting the plans through the process was time consuming.

As of this week,

H*VMI’s Land Development Plan is signed, recorded and the Excavator has the permits they need to begin Grading!

Our urgent prayer request concerns the weather. Please pray with us for DRY weather. We need this rain we’re getting now to move out; and sunny, breezy days to move in. It doesn’t need to suddenly feel like May, but the excavators work best and make the most progress with dry ground. Please pray with us!

Groundbreaking At The H*VMI Property!

Another major milestone has been passed in H*VMI’s Property Project. In the short weeks before our Annual Lancaster County PA Luncheon, H*VMI received some final items needed before construction could begin. God made it clear that, now is the time to “break ground.” We rushed to get invites to as many people as we could in such a short time, and began preparing for the ceremony.

After the luncheon at Yoder’s on October 22, 2022 we transitioned the event over to the property and gathered on the ground where the future office will be built. More than 100 people joined the event. There were people previously connected to H*VMI: Our neighbors, supporters, friends, Board Members, Staff and Missionaries, both current and some former. There were also people connected to H*VMI through the project: The Mayor of Akron, Vice President of AMES Construction, H*VMI’s Engineer, a representative from Jonestown Bank and Trust and other people from the local area.

Remarks were made by H*VMI’s Founder, Tim Sheetz; Current Executive Director, Kyle Robinson; and Board Chairman, Doug Bennett. We began and ended with prayer and singing praises to the Lord. During the remarks we focused on the Lord’s planning and provision for the ministry, the Gospel message of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection; and the upcoming construction plans.

You may be asking yourself, “What’s Next?” Although I tried to pass out shovels and have those in attendance begin digging the foundation for the buildings, that is not how the construction process will actually begin! In January 2022 we received Conditional Plan Approval in January 2022. Since that time we have acquired the necessary permits (HOP and NPDES) and made the Plan adjustments necessary. We have also secured Letters of Credit from our bank. They essentially issue these as requested by municipalities as an insurance policy of sorts in case H*VMI would begin the project, dig up utilities or do other such earth disturbance, then abandon the site or go bankrupt. In that extremely unlikely scenario, the funds in this letter of credit could then be accessed by the borough in order that they could come in and fix or rebuild things critical to the borough or the public good.

H*VMI is waiting on the final signing and recording of the Plans so we can say, “Go” to B.R. Krieder, the excavators we’ve contracted for the project. B.R. Krieder is prepared to make a serious dent in the excavating work before it gets too cold to move dirt. AMES Construction is also ready to begin working on the office in November with the goal of getting the building “under roof” before the colder, wetter weather sets in. That way they can spend the winter months finishing the inside of the building, hanging drywall, running utilities and doing the other finish work.

Please pray for the timing of the start of excavation, and for suitable weather for B.R. Krieder and AMES to be able to make good progress. We would like to go into 2023 with some major work completed and H*VMI well on our way to moving into H*VMI’s new office at our very own Ministry Center.


At this month’s Akron Borough Council Meeting on Monday January 10th, H*VMI’s Land Development Plan was approved! Unanimously!

The council members graciously moved us up on the agenda to nearly first after being listed as nearly last. We gave a simple presentation and a follow up question was asked. After that a council member made a motion which was seconded and voted on unanimously without further discussion! PTL!!!

Thank you so much everyone for your prayers and support through this long process. Praise the Lord for going before us and bringing us to this point. God is good!

We have a list of conditions, very standard items including things like: financial security for the minimal public aspects of the project, Permits, and signatures on lots of paperwork!

Praise the Lord for doing this in HIS timing.

Good News!

On Thursday evening January 6th, before the snow began to fall, H*VMI attended the shortest Akron Borough Planning Commission (PC) Meeting ever held! H*VMI’s Land Development Plan was the only agenda item outside of regular business items. The presentation went smoothly and follow up questions were minimal. Earlier in the week we received word that the Akron Borough Engineers/Staff, after further evaluation, were supporting our most recent modification. This was a huge piece of the puzzle and we are grateful to God for it. After the presentations and questions the PC voted unanimously to recommend our plan to Borough Council for approval.

PRAY for the Akron Borough Council Meeting TONIGHT at 6:30pm. Borough Council has the final decision making power in these matters. We are praying they vote to approve the Plan. The H*VMI Property Team will be there, along with some neighbors and friends. PRAY for presentations as they are made and for the H*VMI team as we answer any questions that might be asked.

Thank you for your prayers and support through this process. God is in control!