Make a difference in the lives of people by walking alongside those facing life's challenges. H*VMI welcomes committed Believers. Get involved in serving today!
Internship Opportunities
BASIS – for bereaved parents and their families
for people grieving over many types of losses such as the loss of a spouse, parent, sibling and other significant people; divorce; employment; health
Discipleship – for people with disabilities of all ages living in rehab centers, residential facilities, nursing homes or the community
Handi*Camp – for children, youth and adults with physical and/or intellectual disabilities
PIP – support for parents of children with disabilities
for Individuals, the Church and the Community, locally and around the world, in areas such as disability; grief; mental health; abuse; divorce.
For the intern ‐ to provide an experience for student, servant leaders to develop personal and practical skills in sharing Christ’s love through compassion based ministry service. Opportunities can be tailored to meet a student’s particular ministry interest, however exposure to all aspects of H*VMI’s compassion ministries is strongly encouraged.
For the H*VMI Ministry Supervisor ‐ to invest in helping to develop a student’s personal, spiritual and ministry growth through hands-on practical experience in areas of compassion ministry.
Serve senior citizens through one-on-one visitation and Bible study ministry in a nursing home setting.
Serve people with disabilities through assisting and/or teaching at Bible clubs, creating and/or facilitating correspondence Bible lessons, writing Biblically based email devotionals, and one-on-one discipleship.
Help people with disabilities fully participate in a summer, overnight camping program as a summer staff member in the area of counseling, programming, nursing or Bible teaching. (seasonal)
Assist/co-facilitate support group(s) for bereaved parents, parents of children with disabilities and/or individuals dealing with mental health issues.
Assist in planning and execution of ongoing ministry programs and special events including breakfasts, picnics and training programs.
Learn skills and participate in direct communication with ministry participants through blogs, newsletters, writing personal cards, emails and phone calls.
Research, develop and find innovative ways of sharing helpful or encouraging resource information with ministry participants.
Network with local churches and other ministry organizations to spread awareness of H*VMI programs and resources available to them.
Write articles for H*VMI publications in a particular area of ministry interest.
CONTACT US for an application.
Complete the application and submit it for review.
Complete ministry testing materials, if applicable, to develop an awareness of ministry skills and how they apply to ministry internship opportunities.
The application and any testing materials will be reviewed by the Executive Director and the assigned ministry supervisor who will then make a recommendation to intern applicant.
The H*VMI internship program can be tailored to meet the requirements of the sending institution. Hours may be comprised of direct contact with ministry supervisor(s) in ministry programs and additional reading or other assignments.
H*VMI also encourages and welcomes students who have hours to fulfill for Student Service Projects. We are willing to work with the sending institution’s time requirement to accommodate students who desire to serve with our ministry.
Be assigned a supervising mentor from the H*VMI missionary staff. It must be noted that because of the variety of ministries within H*VMI, a student intern will have the opportunity to work with more than one ministry director during the internship.
Maintain an Internship Journal (sample journal page available).
Meet with the appropriate member of the ministry staff prior to any teaching or hands on experience that will take place within the H*VMI mission.
Meet with the supervising mentor on a regular basis as established at the beginning of the internship.
Read and sign a Statement of Compliance to H*VMI’s Doctrinal Statement.
Complete a Student Evaluation Form.
Complete a Supervisory Evaluation. This evaluation may be a composite evaluation of all the ministry staff with whom the intern has directly worked over the course of the semester. This final evaluation will be completed in collaboration with the main supervising H*VMI staff member.
Complete any additional requirements established by the sending institution.
Meet with the intern on a regular basis as established at the beginning of the internship period.
Assist the intern with the Internship Journal and make periodic checks on the journal’s progress.
Meet with any other ministry staff with whom the intern has worked prior to completing the final supervisory evaluation.
Complete the final Supervisory Evaluation Form with the intern at the conclusion of the internship.
Be familiar with any of the additional institutional requirements that may be part of the internship and assist the intern with their completion where applicable.
There are three ministry departments under the H*VMI umbrella. The hands-on portion of these ministries functions beyond the main H*VMI office in Ephrata, PA. As the prospective intern reviews this information, please become aware of those locations and associated time tables. Those factors may dictate some of the availability of the H*VMI ministries to the intern as it relates to the internship program. Transportation to the various ministry functions will be the responsibility of the intern. However, transportation to some of the H*VMI ministry functions may be available from the Ephrata office by making arrangements with the H*VMI mentor/supervisor.