South Jersey Ministry Luncheon
11:30 AM11:30

South Jersey Ministry Luncheon


Please join us for fellowship, a wonderful lunch and updates on the ministry of H*VMI. We look forward to seeing many of our long-time ministry friends - AND welcoming those who may not know anything about H*VMI! Hear, see and learn more about what God is doing in the lives of those we serve!

As always, there is no cost to attend, but there will be an opportunity to make a donation to H*VMI as God leads and provides for you to do so.

Doors open at 10:45AM. No reserved seating.

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED by March 31st, 2025 in one of the following ways:

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BASIS Breakfast
9:30 AM09:30

BASIS Breakfast

  • Yoder's Restaurant and Banquet Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us in Remembering Our Children at the annual BASIS breakfast buffet at Yoder’s in New Holland, PA. Support, fellowship, inspiration, hope, laughter, food (buffet breakfast!!!) and more will fill our time together. Please feel free to invite other bereaved parents. All are welcome! There is no cost to attend the breakfast. An offering will be received to help keep BASIS operating and growing.

Our speaker this year is an award-winning newspaper reporter turned best-selling author, Lynn Eib, who describes herself as a “passionate encourager, but always a truth-teller.” Lynn’s first book, When God and Cancer Meet, has sold 110,000 copies in three languages. She has also written Peace in the Face of Cancer, 50 Days of Hope, Finding Light in Cancer’s Shadow, and When God & Grief Meet. In 1991, she founded the country’s oldest faith-based cancer support group, and then in 2003 started a Grief Prayer Support Group where grievers could experience Psalm 34:18 - “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”

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Annual All-Family Picnic (PIP/Bible Club/Handi*Camp)
12:00 PM12:00

Annual All-Family Picnic (PIP/Bible Club/Handi*Camp)

Join us for this year’s picnic for PIP families, Handi*Camp folks, Bible clubbers and ANY family affected by disability. Lunch (hot dog, chips, drink and dessert) will be provided.

Enjoy your meal and an afternoon relaxing, visiting or playing games. Please bring lawn chairs or a “picnic blanket.” Big Games and other lawn activities will be available for children and those young at heart! Enjoy time connecting with other families - listen to some Bible Club music - and more!

Please RSVP by JULY 28th by calling our office at 717.859.4777 or CLICK HERE to register online..



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BASIS Picnic
12:00 PM12:00

BASIS Picnic

  • Loyd H. Roland Memorial Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We supply the fun - AND a picnic lunch. You supply the fellowship that only people with shared experience can have. Join us for our BASIS picnic, specifically for parents who have experienced the loss of a child. RSVP by calling 717.859.4777 OR CLICK HERE to register online.

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Faithful Give
to Oct 22

Faithful Give

GIVE TO HVMI through FAITHFUL GIVE (click here to go directly to the giving page for H*VMI)

The Faithful Give is a giving event in Lancaster County, “Connecting Generous Givers with Kingdom Causes.” (NOTE: You do NOT need to live in Lancaster County to participate in support of H*VMI!) H*VMI is one of the Biblically-based organizations that has been approved to participate. One criteria is that all participating organizations agree with the values statement of Faithful Give.


Please consider supporting H*VMI’s PROPERTY BUILDING FUND through this year’s Faithful Give, OCTOBER 20—22. We will receive a percentage of the $75,000 Shared Funds donated by event sponsors based on the percentage of giving to H*VMI. And we could receive additional prize money as well. Thank you for helping us “REACH THE GOAL” and, Lord willing, take some HUGE steps forward toward funding the completion of the Camp/Retreat portion of our Ministry Center.

Check back on the Faithful Give website during the three days to see how giving to H*VMI is doing. Pray for people to give. Share this giving opportunity with folks you know.

THANK YOU for your support of this ministry and the people we serve!

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Lancaster County Area Ministry Luncheon - New Holland, PA
11:00 AM11:00

Lancaster County Area Ministry Luncheon - New Holland, PA

  • Yoder's Restaurant & Banquet Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Lancaster County Area Ministry Luncheon at Yoder’s Banquet Center in New Holland, PA.

Join us for fellowship, a tasty Lancaster County family-style meal and updates on the ministry of H*VMI. We encourage our ministry partners to bring a friend - someone new to the ministry - so he/she can also learn about what God is doing in the lives of those we serve!

There is no cost to attend, but RSVP is required. An offering will be taken to help fund H*VMI’s ministry programs. Doors open at 10:45AM. No reserved seating. Sign Language interpretation available upon request.

RSVP by October 15th!

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H*VMI Benefit BAKE SALE - YARD SALE - and CHICKEN BBQ - on the H*VMI Ministry Property
to Oct 12

H*VMI Benefit BAKE SALE - YARD SALE - and CHICKEN BBQ - on the H*VMI Ministry Property

  • 3261 Rothsville Road Akron, PA, 17501 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

BAKE SALE: Friday and Saturday (or while supplies last)

YARD SALE: Friday and Saturday - Find a TREASURE while benefiting the ministry and missionaries of H*VMI! Games, craft items, school and teaching supplies, household and kitchen items, clothing, shoes, nick-knacks, books, music, movies, furniture, antiques, collectibles and more! Well worth the trip!

CHICKEN BBQ: Saturday (while supplies last)




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Lesson On The Lawn
6:30 PM18:30

Lesson On The Lawn

Bring your lawn chair or blanket and enjoy an outdoor, interactive Bible lesson for the whole family. Visualize Bible stories through our skits; enjoy singing along and using motions to music; respond with our picture based activities; and leave with a take home craft, snack and more! Designed for children, teens and young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. RSVP with total number of participants is appreciated. Weather permitting.

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Lesson On The Lawn
6:30 PM18:30

Lesson On The Lawn

Bring your lawn chair or blanket and enjoy an outdoor, interactive Bible lesson for the whole family. Visualize Bible stories through our skits; enjoy singing along and using motions to music; respond with our picture based activities; and leave with a take home craft, snack and more! Designed for children, teens and young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. RSVP with total number of participants is appreciated. Weather permitting.

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Lesson On The Lawn
6:30 PM18:30

Lesson On The Lawn

Bring your lawn chair or blanket and enjoy an outdoor, interactive Bible lesson for the whole family. Visualize Bible stories through our skits; enjoy singing along and using motions to music; respond with our picture based activities; and leave with a take home craft, snack and more! Designed for children, teens and young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. RSVP with total number of participants is appreciated. Weather permitting.

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Lesson On The Lawn
6:30 PM18:30

Lesson On The Lawn

Bring your lawn chair or blanket and enjoy an outdoor, interactive Bible lesson for the whole family. Visualize Bible stories through our skits; enjoy singing along and using motions to music; respond with our picture based activities; and leave with a take home craft, snack and more! Designed for children, teens and young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. RSVP with total number of participants is appreciated. Weather permitting.

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Lesson On The Lawn
6:30 PM18:30

Lesson On The Lawn

Bring your lawn chair or blanket and enjoy an outdoor, interactive Bible lesson for the whole family. Visualize Bible stories through our skits; enjoy singing along and using motions to music; respond with our picture based activities; and leave with a take home craft, snack and more! Designed for children, teens and young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. RSVP with total number of participants is appreciated. Weather permitting.

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50th Birthday Party for H*VMI
2:30 PM14:30

50th Birthday Party for H*VMI

This FAMILY FRIENDLY EVENT is designed for ALL of our H*VMI friends in mind. Come join us in celebrating God’s faithfulness to this ministry through these 50 years!


  • 2:30 PM (and onward) - Games & SOFT PRETZELS available

  • 3:10 PM - This Way Up Band performance

  • 4:00 PM - Favors

  • 4:15 PM - Birthday Song, Cupcakes, and Gift Opening

RSVP: No need to register, just drop in and help us celebrate our Ministry’s birthday!

Gifts: In celebration of 50 years (and in preparation for ministry in our newly constructed office), we have created a WISH-LIST of items to help H*VMI continue to serve and grow. Gifts are OPTIONAL, but if you would like to bring a gift, please bring a WRAPPED GIFT from our WISH-LIST, which we will open together at the end of the party. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE LIST.

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Annual Charity Golf Outing - CANCELLED
11:30 AM11:30

Annual Charity Golf Outing - CANCELLED

The H*VMI Charity Golf Outing has been cancelled for this year. This is due to the progress of construction at the H*VMI Ministry Center and the transition of the current office to the new Ministry Center Office. Please JOIN US INSTEAD AT OUR 50th ANNIVERSARY LUNCHEON and NEW MINISTRY OFFICE OPEN HOUSE on Saturday, October 14th. CLICK HERE for details and to register.

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ExtraOrdinary Give
12:00 AM00:00

ExtraOrdinary Give

NOTIFICATION OF H*VMI’s WITHDRAWAL FROM EXTRA-GIVE: (message from Kyle Robinson, Executive Director)

Looking around, it is clear that the world is changing. The world would like us all to move with the tide taking us further and further away from our Christian beliefs and ideals. Often we feel our choices are either to go with or swim against the tide. I would suggest that believers need to be like solid rocks, staying constant no matter how the water around us moves. At H*VMI we are committed to standing firm no matter what changes in the world around us.

The practical aspect of how this pertains to the ExtraGive event is explained in the attached letters. In summary, we believe that the values of the ExtraGive sponsoring organization, LCCF, have shifted toward values that conflict with the Bible. Therefore, we cannot in good conscience continue participating in this event.

Below are two letters that I hope will help explain H*VMI’s decision to withdraw from ExtraGive: The first is FROM the ExtraGive to prior GIVE donors. The second is H*VMI’s letter TO you, our friend, supporter and co-laborer.



As the letter states, please direct any questions about this issue to Kyle Robinson, Executive Director of H*VMI.

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2:00 PM14:00


  • H*VMI Ministry Center Property (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for a Groundbreaking Ceremony at the H*VMI Ministry Property following the Lancaster County Ministry Luncheon! We will meet at the property at 2 PM. The ceremony will take place rain or shine, so please plan accordingly. We recommend you bring a lawn chair or picnic blanket.

There is no need to register for the Groundbreaking Ceremony. If you would like to join us for the Lancaster County Area Ministry Luncheon at Yoder’s beforehand, please RSVP by October 18th.

CLICK HERE for printable postcard.

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Lesson On The Lawn
6:30 PM18:30

Lesson On The Lawn

Bring your lawn chair or blanket and enjoy an outdoor, interactive Bible lesson for the whole family. Visualize Bible stories through our skits; enjoy singing along and using motions to music; respond with our picture based activities; and leave with a take home craft, snack and more! Designed for children, teens and young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. RSVP with total number of participants is appreciated. Weather permitting.

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Journey Through Grief Seminar - coping with loss & reaching out to those in pain
8:00 AM08:00

Journey Through Grief Seminar - coping with loss & reaching out to those in pain

  • Calvary Monument Bible Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

H*VMI staff presents this seminar intended to provide tools and help for those who are grieving or experiencing loss such as death, divorce, finances, or health; as well as give insights and practical wisdom regarding how we might help others who have experienced loss.

Flyer with additional details: CLICK HERE

Cost: $35 (includes workbook & lunch)

Register online by November 1st at Calvary Monument Bible Church website.

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Chicken BBQ and Fall Family Fun Event
11:00 AM11:00

Chicken BBQ and Fall Family Fun Event

Chicken BBQ and Fall Family Fun Event will be held at H*VMI’s Ministry Center Property: 3261 Rothsville Road, Akron PA. Cost of the meal is $10.00 and includes a half chicken, potato, roll, applesauce, whoopie pie and drink. Additional event details, including music, crafts, activities and more will be posted closer to event date.



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Annual Fundraiser Ministry "Banquet" - JOIN us for CHICKEN!
11:00 AM11:00

Annual Fundraiser Ministry "Banquet" - JOIN us for CHICKEN!

Due to the limitations on large, indoor gatherings, H*VMI’s Annual Ministry Banquet and Fundraising Event at Yoder's Restaurant has been cancelled this year.

BUT - JOIN us at this year’s “twist” on our traditional banquet - still with FOOD, friends, fellowship, fun and an opportunity to support the ministries of H*VMI! Come and go at your own convenience during the hours of 11AM to 3PM on Saturday, October 3rd at H*VMI’s Ministry Center Property. Bring the whole family AND invite your friends!

The MEAL will be prepared on site by a very popular Lancaster County Amish Family Company, the Reihls. Includes: 1/2 Barbecued Chicken, Baked Potato, Applesauce, Roll and butter, Whoopie pie, and Drink. COST: $10 payable when the meal is received.

NO NEED TO REGISTER—BUT—COME EARLY. Chicken will be served while supplies last!

There will also be live music, fun fall activities for “children” of all ages and a tour of the H*VMI
Property, all at no charge. You can walk off your dinner on our beautiful property and get an
idea of where buildings and outlying structures will be built. (A golf cart ride will be available
for those who find walking difficult.)

Please CONTACT US (717.859.4777) if you have any questions!

NOTE: For the safety of our guests, if you are physically able to, please wear a mask (unless eating) and practice social distancing at this event.

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Lancaster County Area Compassion Ministries Conference
to Feb 27

Lancaster County Area Compassion Ministries Conference

  • Hope Community Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Two day seminar series designed to minister to people dealing with or wanting to minister to people dealing with life challenges and current issues of the day. Gain practical insights to help you personally or to enhance your ministry in reaching out to others. Attend all or part of the conference.

* Session 1 options:

A. Not In My Backyard! Or Is It? The Truth About Sex Trafficking in the United States

OR B. Bridge To Restoration (Part 1 of 3): Finding Freedom for Those Struggling with Abuse, Addiction or Feelings of Fear, Shame, Loneliness or Guilt.

* Session 2 options:

A. Help For People In Pain: Coping with Situations of Loss and Grief (disability, death, job, rebellious children, aging, etc.)

OR B. Bridge To Restoration, Part 2.

* Session 3 options:

A. Building Children of Hope: Helping Protect Children and Minister to Those in Abusive Situations

OR B. Bridge To Restoration, Part 3.

Cost of seminar: $10/session OR $20 to attend the entire conference.

Register online OR call 717.859.4777


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H*VMI Open House
9:00 AM09:00

H*VMI Open House

H*VMI is having an OPEN HOUSE coinciding with the date of this year's ExtraGIVE day event. Tour our new ministry offices, fellowship with staff, enjoy some refreshments, follow our progress on the GIVE leaderboard and consider making an online donation during your visit (computers will be available to use). OPEN HOUSE HOURS: 9AM-11AM; 12PM-2PM; 4PM-6PM.

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