Hope for Tomorrow

My heart was so heavy With sadness and sorrow. The day was so dark I could not see tomorrow. Hope seemed so dim Through the tears that I cried. I could not see You Lord The day that s(he) died.

I remembered Your promise To be by my side. For always You’re with me In You I abide. In the midst of the darkness Your hand touched my soul. You drew me so close And made me whole.

There are times that I cry Alone with just me. When the silence comes crashing Like a storm-troubled sea. There are times that I laugh now When I remember the years. That we shared together Through the good times and tears.

The peace oh Lord The memories You bring. Fills my life with hope Make my heart strings sing. Draw me close to Your side And lead me gently on. Give me hope for tomorrow Till the dark turns to dawn.

Open my heart Lord Let out the sorrow. Pour in your spirit And hope for tomorrow. I need Your touch Lord On my heart this hour. Fill me with Your love With Your healing power.

© July 2002 John L. Stevens

I recently came across this poem and I loved it. I thought it was so real to grief and the loss of a child. It starts out by talking about the heaviness of grief and how it can be blinding. It then moves on to the promise of God, that He will never leave us and that His presence is close. It then describes how God heals our brokenness and allows us to have memories. Finally, it ends with how He fills our life with hope, love and His healing power.

Today, I am praying this for all families who have lost a child. That God's healing power may dwell in your spirit and that you will feel his presence mightily today. May today bring a precious memory that will bring a smile to your face and peace to your heart.