Encourage And Edify

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
This past weekend I participated in a planning retreat for one of our H*VMI ministries. We had a wonderful time of fellowship with one another. One of the highlights for me was spending time with some of my fellow missionaries.
On Friday night we began our first session together with a devotional, time of prayer and an affirmation exercise. What a blessing to go around the room affirming each person in their ministry! It produced in me a new appreciation for each of my co-workers.
As I thought more about this exercise, 1 Thessalonians 5:11 came to mind and it spurred me on to want to encourage and edify others not only in what they are doing for our Lord but also in their spiritual walk with the Lord. The word edify in this particular verse means to promote growth in Christian wisdom, affection, grace, virtue, holiness, blessedness (Strong's Concordance).
Some ways that we can build up our fellow believers include:
  • regularly praying for them
  • encouraging them verbally in person or by phone
  • writing notes of encouragement through texts, emails or snail mail
  • spending quality time listening to them
  • offering to help with one of their ministry events

What are some other ways that you can encourage and edify those you know in the Body of Christ?