H*VMI Ghana Update

Christmas Deaf Camp 2012

Our annual Christmas Deaf Camp held in Ghana last year 2012 was very well attended and gave us the opportunity to touch many lives for our Saviour. Our US team worked very hard to make last year’s Camp an unforgettable experience. I hope you will be taking advantage of the rest of the eleven months to prepare for this year’s Camp.

We had primarily young people and kids ranging from ages, 4-56 from ten regions of Ghana. We kept them busy with Bible workbooks, painting, chapels, sports, and many other fun events.

Camp Co-ordinator, Bro. Philip, brought a challenging message each night for Campers to consider their lives and what is really important. Sixteen children took the message at heart and decided to invite Jesus into their hearts during the Camp, it was a joyful time. Praise!

One of the staff said that the four US volunteer teams that helped this year made it one of the easiest Christmas Camps we have ever experienced. The volunteers were glad to be able to work at the kitchen to help the Campers eat on time without eating late, or attend classes late. We are so thankful for the contribution of these volunteers from Pennsylvania, USA. May I take this opportunity to sincerely thank the Trinitarian Bible Society for supplying us the Bibles and Children’s workbook for the ministry. Please pray that seeds planted might bear good fruit.

Each night I arranged to meet and talk with a Camper about his or her personal experience and how he or she is benefitting from the Camp. Each one was delighted to be part of the Camp. I also had an interesting talk with Sylvia Peprah, a Deaf Blind girl, through an interpreter, about what salvation means to her. She replied, I don’t understand that word, please explain!

I patiently took the time to explain John 3:16, “the gift sent by God”. After speaking to her, she clearly said that Jesus died on the cross for her sins. When asked if she would like to pray and tell Jesus she was sorry for her sins and that she wanted to obey and receive Christ, her prompt response was “yes”, and she immediately folded her hands and prayed in her own words a prayer of forgiveness. After she prayed, I said to Sylvia, the angels in Heaven are singing tonight because of your prayer. She broke into a wide smile at that night! It was surely evident that the Holy Spirit had prepared her heart to trust Jesus. This was her first time to the camp.

The following day, when I asked her what the decision meant to her, she said that, “It relieved the isolation and gave her something to look forward to.” She went on to say, “I have been made welcome and the atmosphere is so friendly. I will certainly be back next year!” A big thank you to H*VMI family including the volunteer’s leaders, all supporters and prayer partners for Sylvia Peprah! A deaf-blind girl, age 24 years.

Go to:  Pictures of Ghana Deaf Camp 2012

What Next?

Preparations have already begun for this year Easter Camp for the Blind in March. We are eagerly anticipated seeing many of our Blind teenagers, and the young adults. Our mission feels that Camping ministry is a good experience for persons with disabilities. We are working hard to make this unforgettable experience, No doors should be closed, and more opportunities given, the more they will show their ability to become responsible contributing adults who will serve the Lord Jesus in their communities.

We expect to expand this Camp Ministry, use this outreach to reach this neglected group in our nation. No child or teenager should be without the opportunity to learn about Jesus. We hope to see more Blind people at this year’s Easter Camp, and already know many are making plans to come. The encouraging element of this ministry has been the Testimonies of Campers and the transforming power of our Lord Jesus.

We are also planning a national evangelistic camp for the Blind in August and train leaders to follow-up their own blind people in their various villages and communities. A Missionary friend, Rev. Jimmy Wyatt and a group of preachers from North Carolina are coming to work with us for one week.

The purpose of this meeting is to gather local Pastors and churches to teach them to accept the Persons with Disabilities into their congregations. The Lords wants them in His house. The command in Luke says "… Go out quickly and bring them in hither…" Luke 14:21. And we know that no church is following this Biblical command if they do not accept persons with disabilities in their churches. Brother Carl Davenport, a blind preacher from NC will be the guest speaker.

What Can we do to Help?

I hope you will be taking advantage of the extended opportunities to pray and support. We hope to see many Blind people in Heaven because of your involvement and commitment to help us get the gospel out to these people, because they are isolated and neglected and the poorest of the poor in Africa.

Many never went to school or had any education. What is so satisfying is that we bring messages of Hope for them at Camp every year. I warmly congratulate you all, for standing with us.

You can help the Ghana ministry by making a gift to H*VMI.

I finish, as always, with thanks to all of you who prayed, and supported us to strive to ensure a good quality of life for all the Deaf/Blind children and adults and their families.