The Best Place to Be

Sometimes we all have gotten to the place of wondering what God is doing. We all have rehearsed over our life span the fact that God is in control. No question about that. However, it's the details that get us in a bind. For instance, for some time now, we've been very interested in a property for H*VMI in Elizabethtown that seemed to be suited just for us. Sixteen acres of great property that would become a camp, office, place for respite care in a not too off the "beaten path." The doors as we pursued them seemed to be open until just about a week ago when we found out that it will be sold to another "interested" party.

Now we're back to square one. As believer's in Jesus, we go back, not with frustration or giving up, but waiting upon the One Who is is in charge. He has a plan, a place and a process that will prove to be even better than we can imagine. Certainly, it SEEMED to be His leading leaving us wondering if we misread Him. However, we've learned through the years that He is trustworthy and in His love has everything in place.

So, please pray with us as we continue to look to Him for the future. Now, THAT'S THE BEST PLACE TO BE AFTER ALL.