Handi*Camp 2013 Update

It's so hard to believe that we just completed 40 camping seasons in H*VMI. Starting with 10 campers in 1974, we were privileged to have 160 campers and guests join us this year. It has been amazing to see God at work in the lives of the campers and guests. But God had other reasons for the years of Handi* Camp.

  • Parents, who have the care of their child/children with disabilities are given a week of respite as they entrust their child to our care.
  • Most of the summer staff have grown in their walk with the Lord as a result of seeing Him through the care of their campers and guests.
  • We who are the full time staff have seen the Lord provide in so many ways over the years that we can all give praise and thanks to Him.
  • Through the years we have seen many come to accept Jesus as Savior. This year was no exception. David, who came to week five as a new camper saw his need of the Savior and with no "pushing", invited Jesus into his heart.

Our desire is for each one to go back to a caring, encouraging church so that they can use the gifts God has placed within them to help complete the Body of believers.

Camp time is a lot of work, but when you see the Lord work in amazing ways as He always does, it makes every minute well worth while.

Click Here for Pictures of Handi*Camp 2013