Look At, Look Up And Look Ahead

As we face the financial situation here at H*VMI I feel we need to look at, look up and look ahead.

First of all, we need to look at the picture realistically. As of today, we are $156,012.32 behind last years giving. In 2011 we received $118,011.86 for the month of December. It doesn't take a math expert to see that if we received the same amount this year as last, we'd be around $30,000 short. From a human standpoint, it looks impossible. That leads us to the second "look."

I have a small plaque sitting on my desk stating truth from Luke 1:37. It fits in with this Christmas season; "For nothing is impossible with God." So many times in your life and mine, when the situation seems impossible, we're invited to look up to the God of possibilities. He indeed is Jehovah Jireh and is more than able (He's willing) to provide in ways that will bring Him glory and cause us, His children, to recognize and praise His authority. The chorus we sing especially this time of year sums it up so well, "Oh come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord." We recognize His Lordship and thus adore Him.

Finally we look ahead to see by faith as He provides. Many times He speaks to the hearts of His people, like you, to respond to the need, trusting for His provision in your life as well as H*VMI. Over the years we have been blessed and encouraged when people have taken a huge step of faith and have given in loving obedience to His voice. Perhaps, by faith, that may be your challenge for this year.

Here is how you can respond:

Click below to print a response form to mail in your gift.

Response Form

Click below to donate online using a credit card or PayPal account.

No matter what, we urge you to pray that the Lord will, by His amazing grace, meet the need so that H*VMI can continue to proclaim His truth to a lost and hurting world.

The H*VMI staff pray God's richest blessings on you as you worship Him especially this time of year.
Click on the image to the left to view our 2012 Christmas Greeting and 2013 Calendar.

If you did not receive it, feel free to print it for yourself or to pass on to others.