Latest News from H*VMI Ghana

Recently, Paul Lehto, our now retired Director of Development, and I had the opportunity to visit H*VMI's ministry in Ghana, West Africa. God is doing amazing things through that ministry even though they have so few resources. The thing that stood out to both of us is the incredible dedication to the ministry among the H*VMI ministry team there. That dedication blessed our hearts.

For instance:  Joanna, the secretary for H*VMI Ghana, travels 3 hours in each direction from her home to the H*VMI office, Monday through Friday, to minister there.  She has been doing this for about 16 years - always with a smile on her face.

The H*VMI staff in Ghana grabs every opportunity and does an outstanding job bringing the Truth of God's precious Word to people with disabilities on the streets of Accra, in the deaf and blind schools, at our own camps and even in a nearby refugee camp.

Our hearts were encouraged and at the same time burdened for those who are disabled and hurting in this needy country.

One of the properties H*VMI owns and operates in Ghana is a residence for children born to women with disabilities who live on the streets of Accra. There are approximately 30 children living there who are receiving the opportunity to get an education, learn a skill and get good Biblical training by people who love the Lord Jesus. These children also learn to recognize the value of their mothers by seeing them through God's eyes and desire to minister to them.

The concern I brought home with me is for the residential facility itself. The roof leaks in so many places that it must be replaced. The water has affected the electrical system to the point that shocks have been felt through receptacles. The estimate we received from a trusted local worker is $12,600 in USA money to replace the roof. The problem is, the rainy season begins in April.

As you can imagine, I'm deeply concerned to the point that I've set up a special account here at the USA office for funds that could help cover the emergency need.

Would you please join me in praying that the Lord will answer, as only He can, to meet this need?