Anticipating Handi*Camp 2012

Anticipation can be filled with joy and anxiety at the same time. Take for instance Handi*Camp this summer. We're all looking so forward to seeing the various campers and guests and meeting the staff personally that God has sent us. We're anticipating with joy what the Lord is going to do for all of us over that time. On the other side is the preparation that goes into those weeks. Chapel and Bible presentations must be done, programming must be ready, the nurses have to have medical information, summer staff have to be sent information about expectations before they arrive, then there's the finances... the list goes on and on it seems.

It's so easy to get caught up with the responsibilities that have to be done and to put the over all reason for camp on the "back burner."

However, the Lord Jesus must be predominant in EVERY aspect of the preparations. After all, He is the One we present at the Bible classes, devotions and Chapels. It is God  Who gives understanding as to what activities are best for each camper and guest. He grants wisdom and giftedness to the nursing staff to know how to best minister to physical needs. God is the One Who brings unity to proclaim His truth not only in words but actions as well. The financial need is met only because people respond to the Holy Spirit's leading to answer the need. Knowing that Handi*Camp exists only because of and through our gracious God causes our anticipation to join hands with great expectation.

So, here at H*VMI, we take a deep breath, bow before a mighty God with thanksgiving and wait with that anticipation to see his amazing provision.

Click below to learn more about Handi*Camp.