Getting Ready for Handi*Camp 2011

Ah !!! The spring air brings on warmer weather and the opportunity to get out and see the beauty of God's creation.  It also brings Handi*Camp closer. Already there's a preparation being made by the camp staff and excitement due to the fact that we might have a record attendance for the 6 weeks.

Past years have seen the Lord working in the lives of campers, guests and staff in amazing ways.

Take a look at more pictures of previous camps:        Pictures from 2011        Slideshow from 2008

We are all honored to bring His truth to hurting hearts this summer.

In order to accommodate the many people coming to camp we need God led staff to meet the various positions to make the time safe and productive. At this time, nurses, cooks and especially male counselors are still needed.  Scroll down for more information on these positions.

We don't want to turn people away from the camping experience, however, if the staff needs are not met, we may have to do so. Please pray along with us for God to fill the needs with His people as He's done in the past, and praise Him for the opportunity.

Handi*Camp is looking for summer staff members (paid positions):

  1. RNs or LPNs as Assistant Nurses for many of our six weeks (two in PA - May 30-June 3, June 6-10; 4 in NJ - June 13-18, June 20-24, June 27-July 1, July 3-8).  Many of our assistants just work one week.
  2. Counselors - MEN NEEDED - ideally for full six weeks, but sometimes shorter periods are available (some women counselors for a few of our weeks are needed, too)
  3. Continuing to pray for God to provide our next Nurse Manager (RN) (missionary position, although could have part-time outside nursing employment to supplement support; option to receive spring/summer salary instead of missionary position).
  4. Looking for folks to form a couple of new one-week cooking teams for some of our NJ sessions - cooks and assistants.

Contact Brian Robinson for more information about any of these opportunities or call at him at 717-859-4777.