Reaching People with God's Special Gift

It's a great time of year. All of the lights and decorations take our minds off of the bitter cold (at least for a while) and people seem much friendlier. Minds are indeed searching for that "special gift" and hoping to receive what they secretly or openly wish for themselves. We, at H*VMI, are so blessed to be able to present the greatest gift ever through our various ministries.

God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son , that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  -- John 3:16

What an incredible gift to deliver to a lost and hurting world.

At the same time we are also thankful for the individuals and churches who faithfully support this ministry and its missionaries. God has faithfully provided for us over the years through those people.

As we approach the end of 2010, we are very close to finishing the year in the "black" which would keep the Gospel going through this ministry and even help us to expand the Word in new places. I'm so excited about that possibility and would ask you to join us through your gifts and prayers. You don't have to look far to see the need and I believe the time is indeed getting short.

Please prayerfully consider helping us reach these people with God's "special gift."