Jehovah, My Shepherd

The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. Psalm 23:1-3a

Psalm 23 is such a familiar psalm of David. As I was reading this psalm recently, I began to think about how the Lord shepherds His people. These verses talk about the complete care that the shepherd has for his sheep. Let's take a look at ways He watches over us.

  • The first phrase refers to Jehovah ruling or governing over us. Because of His attention to the sheep, they do not suffer want for anything.
  • The shepherd wants his sheep to get some rest by stretching out in a safe habitat where it is full of lush provisions.
  • He guides the sheep to still waters of rest and refreshment.
  • The shepherd has a way of bringing back the sheep's energy, desire and passion.

How does the Shepherd refresh you? Are you trying to serve others without going to the Shepherd for refreshment and restoration? Many times we become so busy and involved in the lives of others that we ignore what the Shepherd desires to do for us.

Take a moment and make a list of how the Shepherd retores your soul. Is it through a song you may hear in church or on the radio? Could it be a passage of Scripture that He has blessed you with in your quiet time with Him? Perhaps it might even be while you take a walk out in His creation.

He is your Shepherd - be refreshed and restored today as you serve Him faithfully!