Hidden In Our Hearts

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.  Psalm 119:11

This is a verse that most of us might have memorized when we were young and attending Sunday School. However, if we truly look at the power behind these words, we can see a source of help that not only aids us in our personal walk with the Lord but also gives us a pure heart for ministering and caring for others.

Treasuring God's Word in our hearts helps us to be equipped to keep a check on how we respond to others as well as to what we do in secret. If we look further into the context of this verse we see that the Psalmist gives us ways that we can learn His Word:

  • We can recount (communicate) with our lips His commands (vs. 13)
  • We can rejoice in following His statues (vs. 14)
  • We can reflect on His precepts, considering His ways (vs. 15)
  • We can relish His decrees, not neglecting His word (vs. 16)

God's Word is a tool that we all should have in our toolbox as we seek to live our lives for His glory and as we reach out to those He brings across our paths each day. There have been many times when I have read a passage of Scripture in my quiet time with the Lord that He has brought to mind later that day to encourage someone in the midst of a life struggle. May you realize the importance of God's Word as you treasure it in your heart today!