He Walks With Us

He Walks With Us

My wife, Iris, and I have been healing as we continue our journey together after the death of our daughter, Crystal, who died from leukemia eight years ago. Moments of sadness and heartache often come unannounced and unexplained.  Grief doesn't follow a logical course.  Sometimes we don't know what brings the tears.  Sometimes there is joy in moments of remembering.  Always there is regret that we can no longer share the memories with our daughter ever again in this life, and that thought can bring unimaginable pain at times.

We both miss her very deeply.  It's hard to believe she's gone.

We'd like to think she'll be there, when we wake up in the dawn.

 Of course, we know that isn't so. Our daughter is no longer here.

But that she still lives on in us is also Crystal clear.

I penned those words in a poem I wrote to Iris a few months after Crystal's death. Christmas is coming soon and that day can be especially difficult for bereaved parents. We'd all like to think our missing child would be there when we wake up on Christmas morn.

My mind flashes back to the many Christmas mornings as our family woke up and our children  appeared near the Christmas tree , excited  to find out what was in all the presents under the tree.  What happy times of laughter and joy as presents were opened.  Pictures, videos and scenes sketched in our memories still touch us.

But once again, we deal with the reality that Christmas will never be the same again, but even then I know I have a Friend who walks with me.  In Matthew 28:20 Jesus said, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

That reminds me of a special card we received that meant so much to Iris.

He Walks With Us

The road of life may take us where we do not care to go, up rocky paths, down darkened trails, our steps unsure and slow.

But our dear Lord extends His hand to hold, to help, to guide us. We never have to feel alone, for He walks close beside us.

This Christmas we hold on to Jesus' promise in John 11: 25-26: 

“I am the one who raises the dead and gives them life again.  Anyone who believes in me, even though he dies like everyone else, shall live again.  He is given eternal life for believing in me and shall never perish.”