Dear BASIS Family,

Dear BASIS Family,

“… He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain...write this down for these words are trustworthy and true..." (Revelation 21:4–5)

Christmas is less than a week away, which may be very painful. God knows your pain. Jesus's birth is the beginning of the greatest story ever known. Jesus came to earth, lived a perfect life and died a criminal’s death so we could have HOPE. One day there will be no more tears, no more pain and no more death.

Thank you, Jesus for being the source of our HOPE.

With that being said, It’s okay to be sad, to cry, to not feel like being in the “Christmas spirit.” And, on the other hand it’s okay to be happy, to celebrate, to be joyful. It’s okay to be sad one minute and joyful the next. Grief is often like a roller coaster, ups and downs. Be honest with people, tell them it's hard. Try a new tradition. Honor your loved one. Share memories. All emotions are okay. Jesus will meet you right where you are in any emotion and in your grief.

We at BASIS are praying for you this Christmas. Remember His words are trustworthy and true. May God’s great love and comfort surround you and keep you this week.

With Love,

Your friends at BASIS