Two Meetings to Go - We Need Your Prayers - God is in Control!


It’s 2022! H*VMI is on the agenda for two Akron Borough Meetings in the next several days, the Planning Commission Meeting on January 6th and the Borough Council Meeting on January 10th. The Planning Commission will hear the details of our Land Development Plan, ask questions and vote on whether they will recommend approval of H*VMI’s Plan to Borough Council.

Please pray with us for the Planning Commission’s (PC) positive recommendation. It is a critical piece of the puzzle; however, whatever the PC’s recommendation is, Borough Council is the voting body that ultimately makes the decision.

Therefore, Monday night the 10th we also need your prayers that Borough Council votes to approve our Land Development Plan. If they do so, it will be a Conditional Approval until the plan gets signed and recorded. H*VMI still needs to check some boxes, many of which can’t be completed until we secure this Conditional Approval. We do not anticipate any issues with the conditions. The biggest hurdle is securing the approval itself.

Thank you so much for praying. You’ve all been amazing supporters of the ministry during this process. God has guided us and we are grateful to Him for His provision and care for the ministry.