Monday Night

Greetings Pray-ers!

On Monday night, December 13th, I attended the Akron Borough Council meeting to see that our request for an extension on the approval of H*VMI’s Land Development Plan be moved to January. I was there both to be certain the extension was granted, and also to communicate with Council the reasons for our request to delay the approval from December to January.

The following is a summary of what I shared with Council members:

  • H*VMI met with Borough Staff on December 1st.

  • At that meeting we discussed the two remaining issues. Although H*VMI has repeatedly offered solutions or explanations for both issues, they are not yet resolved. (Today, we are, again, submitting a revised Plan, including documents to address both of the remaining issues based on those discussions with borough staff/engineers.)

  • At the December 13th meeting, we also included information about the reasons WHY H*VMI designed the site the way we did, particularly the ADA accessibility-related aspects that are not readily apparent to the average viewer. One of the remaining issues is Storm Water Management. If the review/interpretation of our documents is done a certain way, H*VMI could be pressed to make drastic changes to the layout, negatively affecting the plan as a whole and diminishing the effectiveness. To avoid that, I clearly laid out the need to keep the plan design the same and the reasons the current design, related to storm water, meets the Ordinance requirements.

PLEASE PRAY ahead of the January meetings. Currently they are scheduled for January 6th (Planning Commission) and January 10th (Borough Council). We will give specific requests for prayer as those meetings approach.

Thank you!