The Latest - January 2021

It’s 2021! H*VMI is blessed to welcome the new year with you. We are writing to inform you about some progress in the Property Project. In our latest Spotlight Newsletter, you may have noticed a new box “checked!” Land Development Plan Submission. This was accomplished on November 19, 2020. We have been waiting to have meetings with the local Planning Commissions, both County and Borough.

We need your prayers! Unfortunately, however, we cannot have your attendance. Many of our supporters have come to previous meetings to speak in favor of our project and the ministry in general. This has been an extremely valuable part of the process and has been a HUGE blessing to us as a ministry. However, this isn’t possible for these upcoming meetings. On top of social distancing and group meeting limitations, these are really “nuts and bolts” meetings where H*VMI’s plan is checked against the state and local guidelines for things like Storm Water Management and other development requirements.

The first three meetings went very well. We went before the Akron Planning Commission on January 7th. On January 11th we saw the Lancaster County Planning Commission and the Akron Borough Council. Through those meetings we received comments from the county, borough, borough engineer and borough solicitor. We have been reviewing those comments and will revisit the Planning Commission on February 4th. Please pray for that meeting as well as the next Akron Borough Council Meeting on February 8th.

We are moving toward approval, hoping for early March. Even after the local approval is received, we still need to get all the pieces for the plan together. Some of the outside approvals (PennDot, DEP and others) will take time beyond the local process. Pray that we can stay on track to be breaking ground by Spring.


  • For future meeting dates: February 4th and February 8th

  • That our plan adjustments are seen favorably by Akron Borough Council and we receive timely approval.

  • That the process keeps moving forward toward a spring groundbreaking.