Approval on the horizon?

Last month we PRAISED the Lord for the approval of four of our waivers. We are so grateful for this, as some of them, had they not been approved, would have increased the cost of the project by large numbers. We anticipated being back at the Planning Commission meeting on February 4th and the Borough Council meeting on the following Monday, February 8th.

However, In the days leading up to the meeting, the Borough reached out to H*VMI and informed us that no more waivers would be considered prior to reviewing the full set of revised plans. Since receiving the initial comments from various borough authorized entities (Solicitor, Zoning Officer and Engineer), H*VMI has met with them to discuss the comments and potential adjustments that are needed.

H*VMI’s Engineer and Property Team have been working hard to address these comments and make the necessary plan changes. Later this month we will be re-submitting the plan for review by the borough. PRAY for that time, that the 2nd review is positive and leads to approval.

Thank you to everyone for praying and asking for more updates. God is providing and has H*VMI’s today and tomorrow in His hands.