Land Development Plan

The last you read, H*VMI was anticipating approval in Spring 2021. H*VMI was submitting a revised plan set to Akron Borough for review. That second review was submitted in February, and a response from Akron was received in March 2021. In that review, it became obvious that the borough and H*VMI disagreed on the approach to the Storm Water Plan. We have met and communicated repeatedly with Akron Borough staff and engineers trying to work on this issue. A third full plan set was submitted in July 2021 with response coming in late August. Since that time, H*VMI has met with Borough staff again to get to the bottom of the issue. Last night (November 8th), H*VMI attended a council meeting to briefly present a plan for moving ahead as well as to extend consideration for the Land Development Plan until December 13th. The extension was unanimously approved, and we are hopeful for the plan we presented to be accepted and to make substantial progress in the next two weeks. We hope to attend another meeting on November 22nd.

Pray for H*VMI as we work with Borough Staff these next weeks. Specifically pray for meetings on November 22nd and December 13th. Thank you!