Are We There Yet?

If you’re following along with H*VMI as we pursue the final approval phase of the property project, you may have asked yourself that question. If you have, I want to say, “Thank you.” When you read this question, you may have had an image of a child in the back seat of a car waiting to get to the beach and asking, “Are we there yet?” It’s hard to blame the child for asking this question. He/she is just excited for what’s ahead. This is why I want to thank you. As you ask this question, you’re showing that you’re EXCITED and you CARE about what’s ahead and what H*VMI is doing to get there.

So what’s the answer?

The answer is that we have spent the past several months detailing our plans, performing traffic studies and preparing our application for Conditional Use Hearing. On October 4th, 2018 we submitted our Conditional Use Hearing Application. The application is one page long, but the attachments filled two boxes!

You might also be thinking, “Another meeting? Another approval needed?” Prior to the property purchase, we went through the long process of amending the zoning ordinance, which is the set of rules that governs what uses can be made of our property. At the Conditional Use Hearing, H*VMI is requesting approval of the Master Plan for our property as an Organizational Headquarters under the amended zoning ordinance. Following this approval, we will then submit our Land Development Plan for approval. This is the plan with ALL the details laid out, and once it is approved we can obtain our Building Permit!

We need your prayers for this hearing, scheduled for 7pm on November 12th. Please pray with us that the Lord will be honored in our testimony before the authorities, and that we will receive a favorable ruling on our application.