Conditional Use Hearing Report (from November 12 meeting)

God provided mightily during our hearing on the evening of November 12th. As 7pm approached, the small room where the hearing was being held was filling up to its capacity. Nearly 50 people were in attendance, it was great support. We began our presentation with a summary of the use of the property and planned improvements. Then we moved on to a specific description of how we plan to meet the zoning requirements in the ordinance. This included things like lighting, grading, building placement, traffic, parking and many other issues. Throughout both presentations there were questions from members of the community and from the Borough Council. In closing we stated that we have met the conditions and asked that we be granted Conditional Use Approval for our project. The motion was made to close the hearing. Then it was time for a decision – approve, add more conditions or wait. The Council chose to wait. They had received a lot of new information that night and previously, based on our earlier meeting with the Planning Commission. It was too much to absorb in one night. The next meeting is December 10th. We will be hearing the Council’s decision at that time. Please pray for the Borough Council Members as they deliberate over their decision concerning H*VMI’s Property Project.