December 14, 2017

We have owned the property now for nearly two months! What a busy two months it has been. H*VMI hired a young man whose family is connected with the ministry to do the property upkeep. He loves the Lord and has been a huge blessing as he cares for our future ministry center property.

In Mid-November, we hosted our first community focused event at the property - a FREE Chicken BBQ. That’s right, an actual free lunch! Every person who came to visit the property got a free chicken BBQ dinner. Over the weeks prior, we passed out flyers to the residents in the local community. We also invited the local Emergency Service Providers, Police, EMS and Firefighters. On the day of the event, we gave away more than 250 chicken dinners. The community was excited to be on the property and to hear what was going to be happening there in the future.


At the end of the event, after the volunteers sat down and ate, we still had some chicken left over. Not wanting to waste it, we called some local shelters and found a Christian shelter in Lebanon that could really use our unique donation. So, we drove our piping hot chicken BBQ up there, and I had the privilege of helping to unload and prepare it for the residents of this men’s shelter to enjoy. The kitchen director shared with me that, just that morning, she had commented to her volunteers that the meat freezers were starting to get empty. She quoted herself having said, “We’ll see how God provides.” Well, God used H*VMI to provide! God blessed us greatly - and, in our effort to bless the local community, God allowed us to bless this shelter as well. Our God is amazing!

Now that it is December, we are focused on remembering the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We chose to do this publicly by constructing a larger than life JOY theme nativity scene, as pictured below. This is visible, night and day, from Rothsville Road if you drive by... and we hope that it brings joy to all who see it.

As we move forward, we are still working on those next steps as detailed in H*VMI’s Increase Newsletter. We will continue to keep you informed as things progress. Thank you so much for your prayers. To God be all the Glory!