Take It to the Bank

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.  (1 Cor. 15:58)

Do you need a precious promise to “take to the bank” in the middle of busy days?  If so, these words are just for you – and for all of us who may be weary in the ministry of meeting the needs of others.

Be steadfast.  Stand firm!  Don’t give up! 

Immovable.  What does that word bring to mind?  A solid mountain.  A large, sturdy tree.  Be like those objects – not like a leaf or a piece of trash that is blown everywhere as the wind carries it.  Don’t be blown around by every person vying to give you advice or direction. 

Always abounding in the work of the Lord.  Not just a little involvement in the ministry, but ABOUNDING in His work.  Doing it like you are doing it for God and God alone. 

The promise at the end of the verse is the capstone:  knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.  He’ll make sure the things we do for Him are not done in vain – they will count for His Kingdom; they’ll mean something.

These words have been my life verse for over 30 years since I was first challenged with them as a counselor at Handi*Camp.  They’ve served me as I’ve applied them to the ministry as a counselor, program leader and now director.  They’ve been helpful in my important roles as a husband and father, too.  And I trust they will continue to help me as I transition into other ministry roles as our new camp director begins.

There have been times I’ve needed the Lord to remind me of this important message – times when I haven’t been so steadfast.  God uses these words to give me a jumpstart, to get me back in gear in the ministry, to keep going!

Thank you, Lord, for your promises.  Each one is precious!