Our God

Then you can tell the next generation detail by detail the story of God, our God forever, Who guides us till the end of time.  (Ps. 48:14)

I love the way the Message states Psalm 48:14. "Then you can tell the next generation detail by detail the story of God, our God forever, Who guides us till the end of time." What an honor we have as individuals and as H*VMI missionaries "the story of God, our God forever."  I trust and pray that we will never tire of sharing Biblical truth through the open doors He has given us. What a precious gift God has placed inside of each of us to share.

However, the Psalm writer goes on to give a wonderful promise from God's heart to yours and mine. "Who guides us till the end of time." That's just what we need for the days in which we're living ... GODLY GUIDANCE. So many choices, so many decisions in life that affect not only ourselves but others as well. We all desire to do what's right, what pleases the Lord. Thankfully, through His Word, the Holy Spirit's leading and our waiting, listening ears and hearts, we find ourselves led by His omniscient hand.

It all begins as we digest the truth of God's amazing grace to us.