He Knows Your Name

A mom called the office recently. Her son’s birthday is just a few weeks in the future so his name is listed in our newsletter on our Dates to Remember. This list allows people who know one another to remember them in prayer and with cards and messages of hope. We had made a mistake that caused this mom some extra pain. And none of our BASIS parents needs any additional pain! We had misspelled the name of her son. We are so very sorry when this happens. The child is precious, their name represents their identity, it’s important. Accuracy counts. We strive to not let it ever happen because we know it is so painful for our parents. We make sure our newsletter is proofread by at least 3 people. And, knowing all that, we still make mistakes sometimes. Please, if this happens to you, let us know so we can make corrections. Please forgive us for our lack of accuracy. Please let the Lord, who knows you child’s name, comfort you.

Yes, we sometimes make mistakes on important things like the spelling of your child’s names. But our Father does not make such mistakes, ever. He knows your child’s name and identity, perfectly and uniquely. He also knows you and the pain in your heart. As the Father of all comfort, He promises to send messages and messengers of comfort to you. He knows your child’s name and yours.

I am especially fond of these verses:

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;    I have summoned you by name; you are mine. For I am the LORD your God,    the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; … Do not be afraid, for I am with you;”    Isaiah 43:1b,3,5 NIV

These verses carry one of my favorite Biblical themes: Don’t fear for I AM WITH YOU. These verses also include a picture that shows the quality of relationship we have with our Father, the Lord God Almighty. He knows your name. In fact, He has redeemed you (the picture is that He has paid for your freedom from slavery). And He personally invites you (that’s what “summoned” means) into His presence. He says “you are mine.”  I know no more intimate verse in the Bible. He knows you. He’s called you. He identifies you as belonging to Him, personally. He won’t misspell your name or mix you up with another person, even one who has the same name (there are 41 David Martins in my phone book and God knows each one separately). He knows you. He wants you for His own.

Read these verses with your name inserted. Read them with you child’s name. Then say “yes” to His personal invitation to belong to Him.