
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.  (Phil. 4:12b, 13)

Not too long ago, I needed to make some changes with my internet and phone services so I decided I would also sign up for cable at the same time.  Before, I had very few TV channels to choose from, so I was a little overwhelmed with the magnitude of choices.  I scrolled through the guide to get an overview of what was available.  There were so many, it was hard to choose.  But I would look at the channel name and then select some that looked interesting.  Every once in a while I would select a channel and, at first, nothing would happen … and then eventually, these words came up:  "You are not subscribed to (this channel)."  Throughout that evening I had chosen BBC, National Geographic, Biography, Style, DIY, Family Net, along with some others that I could not get.  Every time that message came up, I would think, “You are kidding me … I can’t get THAT channel?”  Now, remember, I could get MANY others … in fact, a couple hundred others.  But, it really bugged me that I couldn’t get ALL the ones I wanted!!  

As the evening wore on, I started thinking about some of the spiritual lessons tucked into this story.  How often do I focus on what I don’t have rather than on what I do have?  I could apply this on several levels.  It made me ask myself how well am I doing in the area of contentment … with what I have, with what I do, with where I live and with who I’m with?  Have I passed the course (called LIFE) where I have learned through WANT and through ABUNDANCE to completely trust that "my God will meet all my needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus"  (Phil. 4:19)?  When I am lonely and missing my husband (now in heaven), do I choose to content myself with the fact that God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you" (Heb. 13:5)?  Have I learned the secret that through Christ, He will give me the strength to be content with little or much?  Some days I do this well and some days I do not.  Which means I haven’t really learned it yet.

May I encourage you to journey with me?  Read Philippians Chapter Four for yourself (better yet, read the whole book!) and then wake up each morning and talk to the One Who gives us the strength to choose contentment.