Following The Lord's Example

The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. Psalm 103:8

Last month we discussed how we should be giving to one another: fully, thankfully, cheerfully and with all of our hearts! As we approach the Christmas season, let's talk about the attributes of the Lord as an example of how we should treat those God brings across our paths whether it be family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, people we serve or complete strangers.

During this time of year, we often might feel more like being kind and compassionate toward others. The Salvation Army Bell Ringers are at almost every store and it is easy to open a door and let someone go into the store first. But, what if we would be like Jesus every day of the year and extend kindness, mercy, self-control and unconditional love to those around us. Think of what a difference we might make in the lives of those around us!

The other day I was in a hurry to pick up some items - you know - get in, get what you need and get out! However, I saw someone walking across the parking lot so I stopped and held the door for that person. She looked at me, smiled and said, "Thank you!"

Now, I share that with you not to boast, but to let you know that although I may never know what that simple act of kindness meant to that lady, I was reminded of how the Lord treats us every moment of every day and we are so undeserving of His compassion, grace, self-control and love. 

Question to think about: What attributes of the Lord will you portray in your life toward those He brings across your path?