Turn Toward The Shepherd

Once you were wandering like lost sheep but now you have turned to your Shepherd, the guardian of your souls. (1 Peter 2:25)

I grew up in a religious home. I was taught that Jesus’ death opened the gate to heaven but it was my deeds that would get me in or keep me out. When our children began to attend a Christian school, I began to search Scripture for the truths I was taught as a child. Sadly, I began to realize the things I had been taught were lies. I was confused and lost.

What was the truth? There were those in my life who were telling me of God’s love and His gift of eternal life. They were certain He wanted a relationship with me and would accept me just as I was.

I didn't know where to go -- so I simply asked God to reveal His truth to me. That Sunday, I heard the gospel presented and went forward for baptism. Over the next few months I began to read and understand Scripture and came to the place where I knew I was lost and without hope. There was nothing I could do to “make up” for my sins; God’s Word says it is only accepting Christ’s death as full payment of my sins that brings me eternal life.

I will never forget laying in bed and surrendering my life to Christ. It was His work and His sacrifice that brought me peace with God and brought me into relationship with Him. I had always felt unworthy to have a relationship with Him. In truth, I was unworthy--but through the cross of Christ I was made holy and God accepted me just as I was. I am not a saint--just a sinner who has been forgiven.

Like a sheep, I am prone to wander. I am learning to listen for the voice of my Shepherd and to trust His love. I am learning that He is faithful and will never leave or forsake me. I am learning that He is good...and will always look after my best interests. Like David, I can gladly proclaim, “The Lord is my shepherd” and “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life...and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Have you accepted Him as your shepherd? You are the supreme object of His care and affection. You have been accepted, are beloved and wanted above all else. It is not who you are that makes you precious ... it is whose you are.