Being A Servant

...serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13b

       Spiritual Life





       Nuts & Bolts


This past week H*VMI held its annual training for our new incoming missionaries. During the time we were together, we covered several topics centered around the Biblical concept of serving one another in love.

Becoming a servant of Christ to others involves keeping our own spiritual lives in tune. It also requires that we so some self-evaluation regarding whether we are sowing in the Spirit or in the flesh, and how we are treating one another.

The resources of prayer and God's provisions are a huge encouragement as we serve our Savior. He is the One who gives us the vision for ministry and directs our steps.

Being accountable to the Lord and others helps us along in our journey of service. There are always details involved in being a servant for Him so we need to remember the nuts and bolts that connect it all together.

Finally, being trained in the Word and other methods so we are fully equipped to serve is vital. Although this acrostic is used for our SERVANT Orientation training, it can be a helpful reminder to us of what it means to be a servant of Christ.

Read more about our week of training and our new missionaries: SERVANT Orientation 2012