
We are had a BASIS picnic recently. That means going out to some lovely place in God’s creation to take some time with people who love us and whom we love, to be re-created by God and the place and the loving fellowship. Picnics are fun, relaxing and restoring. Picnics are good for the soul.

Jesus knew that. Remember how often he “withdrew to a lonely place?” He needed to get away from the crowds. Maybe you need to get away from the trigger of sorrow that “crowd” in on you. I’m suggesting that you do the other thing Jesus did when he got away from it all for a time. He made sure to spend time “being still and knowing … God.” He listened to God’s voice and was refreshed, strengthen for the next thing. You, too, could benefit from listening so that you can be refreshed for the next thing, like the next hour – or if you’re very early in your grief, for the next minute.

Picnics -Time away, in a lonely, lovely setting, to see God’s handiwork, to hear His voice of comfort. To be restored. I recommend it.