Be Kind

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

 Be ye kind, Be ye kind, Be ye kind to one another! I can still hear my mother singing this song to my sister and me when we would get into a disagreement. Of course, we didn’t always yield to the warning song and take heed of the message!

As Christmas approaches, our hearts are drawn to messages of being kind to one another as we think about spending time together and giving gifts to each other. After all, isn’t this the time of year when our kindness toward others kicks into gear and we are on our best behavior!

I was curious about what Paul was really saying here in Ephesians about being kind so I looked up the Greek word for kind (chrēstos) and found that to be kind means to be fit for use or useful. So Paul is encouraging us to be fit for use toward one another.

What are some ways that we can be useful toward others this holiday season?

  • Sending a greeting card through the mail to brighten someone’s day
  • Making a meal or baking a special dessert to take to someone who is ill or lives alone
  • Christmas caroling at a nursing home or for those who are sick
  • Taking a Christmas tree and presents to a family who is in need
  • Writing a note of encouragement to each member of your family
  • Spending quality time with family and friends

 How will you use the gifts and abilities that God has blessed you with to be kind toward one another?