August 30, 2017

H*VMI is on the move… following the Lord towards the goal of owning and developing a ministry center in Akron, PA. We have challenged our donors, friends and ministry partners to join us as we raise funds for the purchase of the Westview Golf Course property. We are trusting the Lord for all the funds needed for the purchase as well as closing costs by October when we have settlement on the property. We have made significant progress since the last update. The current financial need is $217,000. We will continue to update you as the weeks go by and that number shrinks. If you desire to partner with H*VMI in the pursuit of the ministry center property please contact us at our office (717.859.4777) or through this web-page. We would love to talk with you.

August 2017

We are praising the Lord. As His Word tells us in Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, rejoice." We have had much for which to rejoice in the Lord throughout this process. H*VMI has been following the Lord’s leading and He has done amazing things. We’d like to share some praises with you so you can rejoice with us:

  1. After months of meetings, presentations, negotiations and prayer, the real estate tax issue has been resolved.
  2. The Akron property has been surveyed and the Land Development process is underway. Our Engineer and Attorney are confident that this process will go smoothly based on the preparations we have already made.
  3. We have received over $200,000 in donations to the Property Fund from people just like you.

What does all that mean? It means that the way is CLEAR! We are moving forward with the purchase of this property in order to develop it into H*VMI's Ministry Center. If you are on our mailing list you, hopefully, received our mailing about the funds needed for the land purchase. We are seeking these funds so we can step into this project loan free. This goal is well within reach. If you'd like more information about how you can help H*VMI reach this goal please contact us via phone or through this web page's contact section.

What's next?

  1. We continue to move ahead with the Land Development Planning.
  2. We plan to purchase in October 2017.
  3. After the purchase and the completion of the Land Development, we plan to hit the ground running with the physical development of the property.

February 2017

Praise the Lord with us!

  • Zoning has been APPROVED! Unanimously! At the February 13th meeting, several of the Borough Council members testified that they were initially undecided, planning to vote to extend or going to deny our proposal. However, when it was time, every Council Member voted, “YES.” Praise the Lord and THANK YOU for your prayers!
  • We can now check the Zoning box and move to Land Development. This step involves more detailed planning and presentations before local governmental entities. We are working quickly to get this step underway.
  • There is another issue yet to be resolved. Although H*VMI is a §501(c)(3) organization with church status, our real estate tax exemption is not guaranteed. There are legal requirements that we must adhere to and the process of determination is uncertain. H*VMI is seeking the Lord’s guidance as we navigate this complex process. 

The Land Development planning as well as the resolution of the real estate tax issue are both critical in order to move forward at this site.  

Please Pray:

  1. that we can work quickly in the Land Development phase.
  2. for the real estate tax issue to be sorted out.
  3. for God to continue to receive the Glory in this process.
  4. that, if it is God’s will, we will continue to have success in our pursuit of Westview Golf Course.

October 2016

The Lord has been at work here at H*VMI through all of our ministries and through the Ministry Center Project as well. The Board members and staff of H*VMI continue to pray, plan and prepare for this project. Even though many of the staff were at camp through the summer months, we still have been making progress. We have received the approval of the Akron Borough Planning Commission along with their recommendation to the Borough Council.

At a recent banquet, one of our Board members quoted a verse from 1 Chronicles when David was preparing to build the temple. The Bible says that David made “ample preparations” or, in another version, “extensive preparations.” We have been making extensive preparations. The government approval process is a big step and takes some time to complete. With each meeting comes lots of preparations and planning so we can be sure we honor the Lord in our efforts.

Please continue PRAYING for the upcoming steps in this approval process. The H*VMI Board will be discussing this project at the upcoming Board meeting (October 14-15). PRAY for guidance for the days ahead. Please join with us in PRAISING God for what He’s done so far.


March 2016

I trust you have been blessed as you read over this website and look at the plans and pictures page. Lots has been happening concerning the Ministry Center Project. As you may know H*VMI needs to seek approvals from the Akron Borough Council for this project plan to become a reality. We have begun this process, but it is still in its very early stages.

As we continue on through this process we are praising the Lord for these things that happened this past month:

  • We have made presentations before the Akron Borough Council and the Akron Planning Commission, and our petition to adjust some language in the Zoning Ordinance has been accepted for review.
  • Two articles have been written in the local Ephrata Review, both making the front page, giving details on the ministry of H*VMI and the upcoming project. The links to these articles are included at the end of this update.
  • H*VMI was part of an evening news report on BRC 11 (a local cable station) and they included details about the ministry and the project as well.
  • In both of these avenues of media publicity, God was given the glory. The first line of the second article in the Review reads, “Talk with Tim Sheetz and Kyle Robinson about Handi*Vangelism Ministries International for just a short time, and you will quickly perceive a palpably prayerful attitude about their possible future in Akron…”

All Glory be to God for these things.

The team here at H*VMI continues to work with professionals on our plan as we move ahead in this process. Please continue to praise the Lord with us as we look to the future.

Links to Ephrata Review Articles:

February 2016

Thank you so much for your interest in H*VMI’s Property Project. We have been so blessed by all the amazing things God has been doing thus far in this process. I’d like to detail for you some of those amazing things. God has provided:

  • A Board of Directors motivated to further the ministry of H*VMI.
  • An attorney experienced in real estate matters to guide us through the process.
  • A general contractor to advise us.  
  • An Agreement of Sale on a property for the H*VMI Ministry Center.
  • An architect who translated our vision into building designs.
  • An engineer who laid out the site plan and is helping us through the zoning approval process.
  • A kitchen designer who is designing our kitchen space for maximum efficiency.


The Property Committee consists of two Board members, several missionaries and office staff all of whom have God-given wisdom and unique perspectives. They have helped bring this project to where it is today. We have all been working hard on this but God has clearly been going before us. I have been so blessed to see what God has done; and I hope, as you explore this webpage and continue to check back to read updates, you will be blessed.