August 2017

We are praising the Lord. As His Word tells us in Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, rejoice." We have had much for which to rejoice in the Lord throughout this process. H*VMI has been following the Lord’s leading and He has done amazing things. We’d like to share some praises with you so you can rejoice with us:

  1. After months of meetings, presentations, negotiations and prayer, the real estate tax issue has been resolved.
  2. The Akron property has been surveyed and the Land Development process is underway. Our Engineer and Attorney are confident that this process will go smoothly based on the preparations we have already made.
  3. We have received over $200,000 in donations to the Property Fund from people just like you.

What does all that mean? It means that the way is CLEAR! We are moving forward with the purchase of this property in order to develop it into H*VMI's Ministry Center. If you are on our mailing list you, hopefully, received our mailing about the funds needed for the land purchase. We are seeking these funds so we can step into this project loan free. This goal is well within reach. If you'd like more information about how you can help H*VMI reach this goal please contact us via phone or through this web page's contact section.

What's next?

  1. We continue to move ahead with the Land Development Planning.
  2. We plan to purchase in October 2017.
  3. After the purchase and the completion of the Land Development, we plan to hit the ground running with the physical development of the property.