March 2016

I trust you have been blessed as you read over this website and look at the plans and pictures page. Lots has been happening concerning the Ministry Center Project. As you may know H*VMI needs to seek approvals from the Akron Borough Council for this project plan to become a reality. We have begun this process, but it is still in its very early stages.

As we continue on through this process we are praising the Lord for these things that happened this past month:

  • We have made presentations before the Akron Borough Council and the Akron Planning Commission, and our petition to adjust some language in the Zoning Ordinance has been accepted for review.
  • Two articles have been written in the local Ephrata Review, both making the front page, giving details on the ministry of H*VMI and the upcoming project. The links to these articles are included at the end of this update.
  • H*VMI was part of an evening news report on BRC 11 (a local cable station) and they included details about the ministry and the project as well.
  • In both of these avenues of media publicity, God was given the glory. The first line of the second article in the Review reads, “Talk with Tim Sheetz and Kyle Robinson about Handi*Vangelism Ministries International for just a short time, and you will quickly perceive a palpably prayerful attitude about their possible future in Akron…”

All Glory be to God for these things.

The team here at H*VMI continues to work with professionals on our plan as we move ahead in this process. Please continue to praise the Lord with us as we look to the future.

Links to Ephrata Review Articles: