You prayed... and God said...

Last night was H*VMI’s appearance with the Akron Planning Commission. Thank you so much for praying for us as we presented our need for a changes in the plan for the new H*VMI Property in Akron. The change being presented was focused on the location of the driveway. After our presentation and some questions back and forth between H*VMI and the Planning Commission (PC), they voted unanimously to positively recommend this change to the Borough Council.

Then, after the vote, the PC asked about our text amendment related to allowing H*VMI to have signs identifying the property and the two different entrances. We had submitted it to them, but we were not sure whether they were going to discuss it tonight or wait until the February 10th Conditional Use Hearing. The discussion on that item was positive and some slight adjustments were recommended - nothing that hinders our ability to have the signage we need. The meeting ended with another unanimous vote of approval to positively recommend the text amendment to Borough Council.

Praise the Lord for going before us - and for each Council Member who asked questions and voted on the motions last night. God is good, ALL the time!