Results of February 10th Council Meeting

H*VMI had a property meeting last night with the Borough Council of Akron, PA. There were two items on the docket that required two separate processes. First, the request to move the driveway required a Conditional Use Hearing. We specifically were requesting to remove a condition that restricted the location of the driveway. Second, the request related to having two road signs to identify the property at H*VMI’s Ministry Center. The zoning ordinance that governs our property’s R-1 status only allowed for signs that were two square feet in size. Obviously signs larger than that are needed to properly identify the property.

The meeting last night went well overall. The Conditional Use Hearing went smoothly. Testimony from H*VMI’s team was corroborated by the Borough’s engineer and attorney. The driveway’s new location is safe, has adequate sight lines and meets all zoning requirements. There were about 30 residents at the meeting. Special thanks to each one who took the time to come out to support H*VMI. A few residents had questions related to traffic, but there was also a resident of Akron who stood and testified to our benefit when it came to traffic and made other positive remarks. The decision for the Conditional Use Hearing was delayed until March 9th. This was expected and typical in a Conditional Use Hearing scenario.

The request about signs was a Text Amendment proceeding and went much faster. No negative remarks and the vote to approve came unanimously at the end of our time at the meeting. We are now able to erect two adequately sized road signs at our entrances to identify the property as a part of the development.

Please PRAISE the Lord with us for the passing of the Text Amendment and for the great presentations that were given. Also please PRAY with us for March 9th. That is when the Borough Council will vote on a decision and present it to H*VMI. Pray for a unanimously positive vote to allow us to move the driveway. Thank you for all your prayers and support.