September 14, 2017

God has been leading STEP by STEP. Praise Him.

We now stand at $200,000 needed by the end of October, the deadline for our Agreement of Sale.

We’ve been praying for a MIRACLE.

The MIRACLE is within our reach. On September 5th, we received a phone call with an absolutely amazing matching gift challenge:  any monies we receive toward the property fund, up to $100,000, by October 15th, will be matched. THAT means – WE COULD REACH THE $200,000 GOAL!

Many of you have been responding to our appeals for our Property Fund. Thank you!! We’re so blessed by you. We are not asking that you give again but would ask that you pray with us for this MIRACLE so we will be able to go through with settlement on the property. 

If you have not yet given, perhaps you would consider that this is a very good time to do so!! Whatever you are able to give will be matched through this $100,000 matching challenge, moving us closer to the goal.

God is at work - STEP by STEP.



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