WHY? versus WHO?
/Like me, you probably asked that question again and again when we were little children; and as an adult, we hear the same questions from children in our lives. WHY? Even if the question didn’t have an answer, it was a way to keep communication going between child and adult.
WHY? has, no doubt, been the question plaguing your mind and heart since the loss occurred that has brought you so much heartache and grief. Now, the question rides a tsunami of emotions. It tears at your heart because there really are no answers – at least any that could satisfy. Well-meaning family and friends offer suggestions to address WHY? But, in reality, they don’t really know or understand much more than you do about your loss; and maybe their answers add even more pain.
Recently, I read that WHY? has been asked 32 times in the Bible. Those asking included:
Moses (Numbers 11:11)
David (Psalm 10:1)
Job (Job 3:11, 12, 20, 23)
Jesus (Matthew 27:45-47)
There’s some comfort in knowing that we are not alone in asking the WHY? question as we grieve. However, there comes a time when it’s important to allow the question to shift from WHY? To WHO?
David, one of the people in the Bible who asked WHY? and a “man after God’s own heart,” wrote in Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”
God is the WHO? we trusted for our salvation and He is the Sovereign One we can trust in our sorrow. We can’t comprehend the love of God that moved Him to grant us salvation. In the same way, we can’t comprehend the mind of God that would permit or direct the loss(es) we experience. Trust is necessary in both Salvation and Sovereignty. Dive deep into His love and find there the grace to accept His plan – even when you don’t know WHY?
WHY? keeps communication between us and God going, which is a good thing. But, it can also cause us to wither. WHO? transitions us to awe and wonder. By God’s grace, make the leap from WHY? to WHO?!!!!!