Trust When It Doesn't Make Sense

I recently read a book that is not a grief book! That’s remarkable since I read mostly grief books. Anyway, this book is by and about a woman who loves Jesus, is married to a wonderful man who loves her back and who ministers to hurting people in various situations. It’s because of her losses that she has entry into the lives of those hurting people. She does know great loss, but she is not a bereaved parent. I hope that, even though she is not, you will “listen” to some of what she has to share.

Gracie, that’s her name, was a college student when she was in a horrible auto accident. It’s amazing she survived at all, but “every bone in her body below her waist” was broken. Many surgeries later, much pain later, she lost both legs below the knee and wears 2 prosthetic legs. She’s in pain all day every day. She also speaks to large audiences, sings to the glory of God, and travels to remote places – but mostly Africa- bringing wheel chairs and prosthetics to people who need them.

In the book, this quote hit me between the eyes: “I don’t have to go and look for purpose and meaning in my difficulties. The things I deal with don’t even have to make sense to me. They make sense to God, and I trust Him.”

She elaborated on why she trusts the Lord. Because He loves her, and you too. Because He gave up His son FOR her and for YOU. Because He (the Son) willingly gave His life for you. He endured the pain and humiliation of a brutal execution, as an innocent man. (Think about that pain and that injustice for a few minutes.) He did it FOR YOU. For Gracie and for you. He made you, gifted you, knows your every weakness and misstep, and redeemed you.

I often hear from bereaved parents, the “it just doesn’t make any sense.” Gracie has been there and has concluded it doesn’t have to make sense before she will live the life she has. She just lives in the reality of it. Many of you may not be ready to live in the reality of it. But that might be a good goal. Would that be a good place to live? For many of us, God will not give us clear answers as to “Why?” And “What was He thinking?” questions. He may expect us to come to a place of trust – trust His heart, the heart that gave up His only Son for you. Trust the love that drove Him to do that, even though that love does not make Him explain Himself to you. Can you trust the One who loves you that much? Yes, He is trust-worthy. You can trust that the things that have happened in your life make sense to Him.

I trust Him even when I don’t understand Him because of this: “If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” Romans 8:31b-32

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18