The RX for Fear and Despair

We live in a time when reasons to fear and despair abound. National and international concerns, to say nothing of personal challenges, can grab hold of us and leave us with little hope for the present and future. Two Psalm writers shared similar concerns in Psalm 121 and 23.


The unknown author of Psalm 121, was, perhaps, literally looking up at the mountains before him, the ones he would have to climb to get to Jerusalem to worship, the ones that had rough terrain, violent storms and robbers. He was AFRAID and wondered, “Who will help me make this trouble-filled journey?”


David, in Psalm 23, faced the most DESPAIRING of all circumstances – the Valley of the Shadow of Death.


If these writers kept their minds on the circumstances in their lives, it would be easy for them to remain in a state of fear or despair. But, they allowed their eyes to drift beyond their circumstances to find a Resource that could blunt the worst life had to offer them. These men, men just like us, knew where to turn.


Psalm 121 ends with, “My help cometh from the Lord Who made (those mountains and) heaven and earth.” The Psalmist allowed himself to focus on the truth that God’s POWER was greater than any challenge his mountains could present to Him. In Psalm 23, David remembered that God’s PRESENCE was available to him from first breath to final breath.  “…I will fear no evil for Thou art with me.”


Embracing that God’s POWER and PRESENCE are greater than anything we face can dispel any fear or despair that threaten to undo us. Our FEAR and DESPAIR can have the potential to become PRAISE and THANKSGIVING.