Sufficient Grace

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9

This verse is found in the context of what Paul was writing to the Corinthians about his own personal situation. He was reflecting on the revelations that he had experienced and how because of these revelations and not wanting to become conceited, he had been given a thorn in his flesh. There is great speculation as to what that weakness might have been, but no definitive answer.

Although Paul had this particular weakness, he did not let it deter him from his ministry especially when the Lord said that His grace is sufficient and that His power is made perfect in weakness. Paul could rest in God's sufficient grace - it was more than adequate, it was enough for Paul and it is enough for us as well.

What is the meaning of grace in this verse? It is the "favor of Christ, assisting and strengthening his followers and ministers to bear their troubles" (Thayer's Lexicon)

Wow! The favor of Christ, assisting, strengthening and bearing our troubles and it is enough! Take a moment to think about a weakness in your own life. How is Jesus taking care of that weakness for you? What does His sufficient grace look like in your life?

Can God use our weaknesses for His glory? Think about that question - to be continued...