Precious Memories Help to Heal


Precious Memories Help To Heal

We celebrated Christmas with our son and his family. It was nice to have them with us a couple of days. We enjoyed exchanging gifts, playing games, laughing and, of course, eating. A special gift we received was a series of DVDs. Our son had taken several of our old video tapes and put them on to DVDs.

We enjoyed watching some of them, seeing events and happenings of the past, some we had forgotten but were glad to be reminded of again. Of particular blessing was watching our daughter, Crystal, playing basketball and volleyball in college more than twenty years ago. It brought back some wonderful memories mixed with sadness that she was no longer with us, having died from leukemia eight years ago.

The pain of Crystal's death can still be quite intense. The edge of happiness we feel is often blunted by the realization that, as my wife said, “It's one more thing Crystal won't be able to share with us.”

 Yet, we enjoyed watching Crystal play ball and were glad for the precious memories, and thankful for the wonderful daughter we shared for thirty-six years. Precious memories do help to heal the pain from our loss.  I am sorry for those parents who never got to see their child grow up, but be assured those babies and little children are in heaven and through faith in Christ parents can be reunited with them again one day.

Jesus said to her [Martha], 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.'”. John 11:25-26