Managing The Holidays!

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.  Lamentations 3:22-23

We have just come through celebrating Thanksgiving and now the holiday pace really picks up with many celebrations right around the corner!

Thank the Lord that because of His great love we are not consumed by the pressures of the holiday season. He is faithful no matter how hectic things become or even how lonely you may feel while others are celebrating.

Here are some practical ways to manage the holiday season so it does not overwhelm you:

  •  Realize that the holidays will be hectic and sometimes difficult at the same time.
  •  Resist the temptation to say "yes" to every social event.
  •  Rest when you have the opportunity to do so.
  •  Rejoice in the true celebration of Christ's coming.
  •  Release all of the stress to the One who is faithful.