The Light Inside

You are the light of the world.  A city on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. (Matt. 5:14-16)

Recently, I have been thinking,  “What makes me a Christian?”  Yes, I know to become a Christian I need to realize I am a sinner, turn from that sin and accept our God’s free gift of eternal life through Him.  But, after that, what shows other people that I am a Christ-follower?  What shows people that I am different from the world?  Matthew 5 talks about different kind of lights.  I am one of those lights that Matthew talks about that is hidden under a bowl?  Do I go to church and then go home and hide in my house without anyone seeing any of Jesus light in me?    I don’t want to be like that.  I want to be like the city on a hill that cannot be hidden!!  However, in order to share about Jesus to others, my job is to spend time ... A LOT of time getting to know Him.  

It’s like a dating couple.  They spend time … usually A LOT of time … getting to know one another and as they get to know each other they grow in love for each other and begin to tell others about who they are dating.  If their relationship develops and they get engaged there is such a glow about them and when you ask about their fiancé they just bubble over with words about their future spouse.

Are we so in love with Jesus that we just overflow with words about Him to others?  This has been my prayer recently.  A few years ago I read an autobiography by Bill Bright.  In that book he shared that each day he prayed a prayer asking the Lord to use him.  He said,

“Lord, I want to be a suit of clothes for you today, I invite you to move around in my body as Your temple.  I ask you to think with my mind, love with my heart, speak with my lips and continue to seek and save the lost through me.  Supervise and control my attitudes, my motives, my desires, my works, my actions in order to bring maximum glory to Yourself.”

We cannot be a light that brings any kind of glory to the Lord without Him working in and through us to make us shine.  Let’s ask Him today to help us be like that city on a hill that CANNOT be hid.  May we be lights for His glory!