So Just What is that Light at the End of the Tunnel?

Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart. Rejoice in the LORD, you righteous, and give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name.  (Psalm 97:11-12)

Sometimes it feels like I’m stuck in “darkness.” It could be feeling down; depressed; like there’s not much hope of anything changing. BUT, according to the promise of this verse, there IS hope! When I let God, through His Spirit, search my heart, He can tell me if there’s anything wrong in there that’s hurting my relationship with Him. If there is, I can straighten it out. Once everything is OK between God and me, I am called “righteous.” God’s promise for the righteous is LIGHT— and I can rejoice NOT in my circumstances (what does the verse say?) but in Him! He can change my hurting heart, bring it gladness and fill it with thanksgiving. I’ve learned in the past that when I think about all that’s wrong, I just start heading downhill— fast. BUT, when I make that conscious choice to think about HIM— He can bring gladness because I realize again who He is and that He is able to take care of what I’m going through. What’s my job? To make sure I’m right with Him; to trust what He says is true; then just rest there in His arms of love and care for me.

Take time today to let God search your heart. Is everything between you and Him OK? Have you trusted in God’s offer of salvation and total forgiveness— a brand new start— through His Son, Jesus, Who died on the cross to take the punishment for our sin? Is He showing you anything in your life that needs to be changed? How can knowing He is that “Light at the end of the tunnel” make facing tomorrow “easier” for you to deal with? Think of a way to express your joy in Him today (prayer, written word, song).